There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 754 Shen Chuhua's Stratagem

Chapter 754 Shen Chuhua's Stratagem

Shen Chuhua didn't care at all, she smiled, a sly gleam flashed in her eyes, she turned around with a bright smile, "No, I'm here to get herbal tea, I've had tea made by Mr Zhang himself once before,

The aroma is pleasant and the taste is soft. You can’t buy it outside, so come and ask for some with the cheek! "

When Shen Chuhua spoke, she raised her eyebrows playfully and shyly.

Ruan Shiqing gasped quietly.

A fusion of fear and coldness almost swallowed her whole body.

She felt that what belonged to her was gradually being taken away by others.

"Chuhua, have you been in touch with my brother recently? How are you two doing? I've been worried about you all the time!"

"Thank you, Shi Qing. The matter between me and Zhan Beichen is over. Don't worry about me when it's over. I'm a person who will look forward to everything!" Shen Chuhua said.

"Okay! As long as you can think about it yourself!" Ruan Shiqing smiled, thinking to himself, you are out of business with my brother, so you came to hook up with Zhang Yunian!

"Then I'll go first, goodbye!" After speaking, Shen Chuhua drove away.

She clearly saw the viciousness in Ruan Shiqing's eyes from the rearview mirror.

That's right, she deliberately provoked Ruan Shiqing. Ruan Shiqing was so vicious last time that he almost killed Zhan Beichen. A woman who can kill her own brother is not worthy of pity.

Ruan Shiqing hurt her man, they are enemies.

Shen Chuhua wanted to stimulate her on purpose.

A vicious person can't stand the enemy's provocation, and her vicious methods will be revealed at the slightest provocation.

Shen Chuhua wanted her not to be able to hide her viciousness and to reveal the wolf's tail. Shen Chuhua had the confidence to deal with her and cut off the root of her viciousness.

Shen Chuhua drove the car to a deserted place on the seaside road and stopped.

She quickly opened the file.

This document is detailed enough, with black and white photos and text, it clearly records Li Cenjing's life in Northern Europe during those years.

She secretly lay down on the underground pipe and smoked a pipe with the men. In the photo, she was very decadent and gave up on herself.

There are also many photos of the man she followed when she was in Northern Europe.

Her black history, Zhang Yunnian dug out a book as thick as a book.

Shen Chuhua packed up the documents, with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, slightly raised lips, and a mysterious smile.

Afterwards, Shen Chuhua came to the Zhan family's office in Linyuan.

Walking into the office, he asked the guards on the first floor.

Zhan Muchen is in the office.

Shen Chuhua came to Zhan Muchen's office with herbal tea and knocked on the door.


"Chuhua? Why are you here? Come, sit down!" Zhan Muchen was looking at a blueprint, and when he saw Shen Chuhua coming, he put down the blueprint, got up and sat on the sofa with her.

"Father, do you know Chuhua?" Shen Chuhua said.

Zhan Muchen was surprised, and looked at Shen Chuhua in confusion.

Facing Zhan Muchen's gaze neither humble nor overbearing, Shen Chuhua said seriously, "Chuhua never intentionally harms others, has faith, and does not do evil things.

But if someone harms me, I will never be cowardly, I will not be angry, and I must expose the evil person.

Father-in-law, you treat me to give birth to a daughter, Chuhua is grateful, and will protect you like a daughter, and help you protect the Zhan family. "

Zhan Muchen nodded, "Good boy, these adoptive fathers all know, do you have something to say?"

Shen Chuhua nodded, "Since you know what kind of person Chuhua is, then I have to tell you one thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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