There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 759 Zhan Muchen's wedding scene

Chapter 759 Zhan Muchen's wedding scene

Zhan Beichen didn't care, he lowered his head and hugged her waist tightly.

It took a long time before he let her go.

"Chu Hua, I warn you, you are not allowed to talk to Zhang Yunnian at the wedding banquet, do you hear me?"

Shen Chuhua glared at him, "You are the most absurd, get out quickly, it will be bad if someone finds out later!!"

"I'm not afraid, you promise me first that you are not allowed to say a word to Zhang Yunnian, do you hear me?"

"Okay, big devil, I promise you, you go!"

Only then did Zhan Beichen let go of her, straightened his sleeves, "Be obedient!"

"You go out!"

Zhan Beichen smiled charmingly and left.

Shen Chuhua stayed for a few minutes before coming out from behind the screen. Once she came out, she looked around in all directions, fearing that she and Zhan Beichen would be seen hugging behind the screen.

"First painting!" Third Auntie walked up to her wearing a noble light pink gold velvet cheongsam, "I have lipstick here, do you want to touch it up?"

The third aunt has something in her words!Her eyes were also somewhat mysterious.

Shen Chuhua was slightly taken aback, she knew that Third Auntie had seen it.

Shen Chuhua was extremely embarrassed, and now she felt ashamed.

The third aunt smiled, "Chuhua, sometimes, I envy you and the fourth child! In fact, I can see that the fourth child is really kind to you. He still has you in his heart, but he is deliberately making us feel He doesn't care about you!"

Shen Chuhua said, "Third Aunt, stop laughing at me!"

Now she and Zhan Beichen belong to this kind of state that the whole world sees through, only they themselves don't admit it, but this is Zhan Beichen's order, and she can only obey.

The third aunt had an unconcealable sadness on her face.

Shen Chuhua grabbed her hand, stroked it as if to comfort her, "Third Aunt, I understand you, don't be sad, have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?"

Third Aunt nodded, "En!"

"Then don't be afraid, there will be a good show when you go back to Zhan's house tonight, the wolf's tail will always be exposed, you can't hide it!"

Third Auntie's eyes were full of hope.

After Shen Chuhua said this, she cheered up.

At six o'clock, the wedding ceremony began on time.

On the luxuriously decorated reception desk of the hotel, his father was wearing a luxurious suit and Li Cenjing, who was wearing a pure white wedding dress, put on a diamond ring.

There was applause from the audience, and the reporters took pictures one after another.

The spotlight made people's eyes hurt.

Under the stage, Li Cendong laughed hahaha.

Finally, the two families posed for photos together in front of the media.

Then, guards carried the signing table to the ceremony stage.

Witnessed by the media, Li Zhan and Li Zhan signed a treaty on long-term exchanges and cooperation to open the inland Nanyang route for trade and export.

There are two copies of the contract. After signing, the Zhan family will have one and the Li family will have one.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two families became one family.

The wealthy families and nobles present applauded enviously.

Thus began the party.

The dishes are all Chinese meals.

The new wife followed behind Zhan Muchen to socialize, her face was full of strength and domineering.

After the ceremony, her white gauze was replaced by a red cheongsam.

Her hair was coiled up, her face was heavily powdered, and her lips were painted with bright red lipstick, which made her look good.

However, Shen Chuhua could tell at a glance that Li Cenjing smoked all the year round, but his complexion was not good at all.

A grand wedding banquet ended at eight o'clock in the evening.

As Mrs. Zhan, Li Cenjing returned to Zhanfu.

The ancestor asked Shen Chuhua to come back with him.

(End of this chapter)

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