There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 768 Premeditated to frame Shen Chuhua

Chapter 768 Premeditated to frame Shen Chuhua

God help me too!Li Cenjing extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Carefully staring at Zhan Beichen and Shen Chuhua kissing me on the balcony.

Humph, no wonder, no wonder when Zhan Muchen first came to Zhan's house for dinner, Zhan Muchen said that he wanted to marry Yan Zhi to Zhan Beichen, but Shen Chuhua lost control of his emotions and ran out.

Zhan Beichen chased after him.

It turned out that these two people had an affair, and the opportunity came!

A perfect plan flashed through Li Cenjing's mind!

She stood under the window of Zhan Beichen's room, listening carefully to the movement inside. -

But at this moment, Zhan Beichen and Shen Chuhua didn't notice it at all.

"Look, it's still the same as when you left, I haven't moved anything!"

Shen Chuhua looked around, leaning against Zhan Beichen's arms, seeming to recall the days when they lived in the Zhan family.

"Sometimes, I really miss this place!" Shen Chuhua said lightly.

"If one day in the future, I let you come back as the heroine of the Zhan family, would you like to?" Zhan Beichen likes to hug Shen Chuhua, especially when Shen Chuhua is docile, like a precious pet The cat hid in his arms.

"What do you mean?" Shen Chuhua was surprised, and slightly raised his head to look at Zhan Beichen.

Zhan Beichen smiled charmingly, "Hey, let me talk casually!"

"Brother Chen!" Every time Shen Chuhua heard Zhan Beichen say that occasionally, she felt uneasy.

"Huh?" He pressed his head against her forehead, "I like to hear you call me Brother Chen!"

"You promised me, you must not break your promise, okay? Can you not hurt my father? I don't know why, every time I hear you say that you want to get what you deserve, I always feel a little scared!

In fact, father has intentionally handed over everything he has to you, since it is so good!right? "Shen Chuhua said very gently and authentically.

She understood Zhan Beichen's ambition. Zhan Beichen wanted to restore the glory of his grandfather's family. If this would involve changing his surname, his father would never agree, but would Zhan Beichen compromise?

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I understand, I won't do too much, because I know, you are afraid, aren't you? Don't worry, I won't hurt my father!" Zhan Beichen murmured beside her.

He lowered his head, such a beautiful night, cannot be missed.


Li Cenjing listened hard with her ears pricked up, their voices in front were extremely low, but behind her, Shen Chuhua's sweet laughter came into her ears.

She put her hands on her ears and enlarged her pinna to hear more clearly. She was waiting, waiting for the opportunity!

After a while, the sound of two people tossing came indistinctly!

Li Cenjing was delighted, and suddenly broke off a branch of a tree next to him, snorted and struck a match to light the branch, and then threw it from downstairs to the balcony on the second floor!

Zhan Beichen and Shen Chuhua pulled down the veil, so they couldn't see that the balcony was already on fire.

Li Cenjing saw that the flames had lit the curtains, and hurried to Zhan Muchen's door, knocking on the door vigorously.

"Master, it's not good, master, it's not good!" Li Cenjing looked like he was about to cry.

Too many things happened today, Zhan Muchen just fell asleep, unexpectedly that shrew knocked on the door again.

Wearing slippers, Zhan Muchen walked to the door, opened the door, with a look of anger on his face, "What are you making a fuss about when you don't sleep in the middle of the night? Do you think you didn't cause enough trouble today?"

Li Cenjing shook his head, "Master, you misunderstood me, just now I was downstairs to take a breath, I saw a man in black climbed to the balcony of the fourth child with a dagger, and entered aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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