There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 772 The biggest embarrassment

Chapter 772 The biggest embarrassment

As soon as the third aunt said this, she found Li Cenjing's disgusted eyes. She was very unconvinced. The third aunt was just a concubine, and she was so arrogant that she was allowed to take charge of the house temporarily because of Zhan Muchen. Pointing fingers in front of my wife, this bitch, I have to take good care of her in the future!

Li Cenjing has written down this account!

At this time, Zhan Nanwei, who had already checked from the balcony, came to Zhan Muchen, holding two branches that had been burned into charcoal, "Father, look, this should be the cause of the fire, someone set the branches on fire. Throwing it up caused the curtains to catch fire!"

Zhan Muchen glared at Li Cenjing with his hawk eyes, Yue Xiong's clothes rose and fell with him, "I see, heh!

Li Cenjing, what tricks are you playing in my Zhan family?It seems that you have known for a long time that the person who entered the fourth room is the first painting,

You are afraid that she will escape from the window and find out that the balcony is on fire, aren't you?

It's a joke that you, an elder, put your mind into plotting against the two children, such a clumsy method, if you are our Zhan family, you can't even see it, can you? "

"No... woo... I..." Li Cen Jingbei exposed it, and panicked for a moment.

Seeing this, the third aunt walked over to Zhan Muchen, "Master, don't be angry, it's so late, you still have a lot of important things to do tomorrow, no matter what, the eldest lady just came in today, so you may not know many things, I'll tell her more in the future!"

After finishing speaking, the third aunt yawned and held Zhan Muchen's arm, "Master, let me help you go back and rest!"

The guards stared at Li Cenjing dumbfounded.

Today's melon is really big.

Zhan Nanwei ordered the guards on the side, "Go down!"


The guards had all left, and only the Zhan family was left in the room.

Zhan Muchen stared at Li Cenjing, "Go to the Buddhist hall and repent, don't sleep tonight, Zhang Ma, keep an eye on her!"

"Yes, master!" Zhang Ma walked to Li Cenjing's side, "Let's go, eldest lady!"

Li Cenjing left trembling with anger.

"Fourth!" Zhan Muchen scolded angrily, "You bastard, let me tell you, if you dare to treat Chuhua with a playful attitude, I will definitely break your leg!"

Zhan Muchen was angry on the surface, but in his heart he was not to mention excited and happy.

Originally, he thought that these two children were very smart and would not be easily persuaded by others. If he wanted to bring them together to reconcile, it would be extremely difficult. Unexpectedly, they reconciled now!

To save him from spending a lot of thought, okay, this is the virtue accumulated by the ancestors!

What he really wanted to say was, 'Son, good job, daddy is going out now, you seize the opportunity and give me a grandson as soon as possible! '

"Let's go, master!" Third Aunt laughed, "Let's not disturb the children, shall we?"

Zhan Xicheng laughed twice, looked at the fourth child and said with a smile, "Your fourth brother, I really have you! I have to learn from you, brother!

Let's go, daughter-in-law, we will also go, too much dog food, fortunately I have you! "

Ouyang Nishang bumped Zhan Xicheng with his elbow, "Okay, stop making trouble!"

Zhan Xicheng leaned against her daughter-in-law like a rascal, his face still stuck to hers.

Seeing the little interaction between Ouyang Nishang and Zhan Xicheng, San Yiniang couldn't help but feel a little more worried.

Ouyang Nishang bowed her head guiltily in fear.

"Okay, let's go back and rest!" Zhan Muchen ordered.

Everyone in the Zhan family left one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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