There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 802 Clean up Li Cendong

Chapter 802 Clean up Li Cendong

Think too beautiful, right? "Shen Chuhua was determined not to let the brothers suffer bullying in vain.

"You..." Li Cendong's eyes widened in anger, "Shen Chuhua, you don't want to toast or eat fine wine, how dare you talk to me like that?

I'm taking my people away now to save you the most!Don't think that I, Li Cendong, are really afraid of you, even if I really kill you,

You, the adopted daughter of Zhan Muchen, what can you do to me?

I'm not afraid of reporters from Linyuan, so what can I do with Li Cendong! "

"Aren't you afraid? You don't clean up? That's good!"

Shen Chu's eyebrow shuddered, and he suddenly picked up a sword from the ground, and slashed at the arm of his subordinate who was standing next to Li Cendong just now!


"Ah..." The swords in the martial arts hall are exceptionally sharp, and when the sword strikes, the man's arm directly flies into the sky.

"Shen Chu painted you..."

"What me? I'm just telling you that I've arranged for someone to guard your sister in Zhanjia. Now you can kill me, but if there's a mess in the martial arts hall, you don't have to care about the reporter, but you Don't care about your sister?

If the people in the martial arts hall are injured, I will let my people do it immediately, and return it to your sister with an eye for an eye!Try it! "

Shen Chuhua smiled, a little seductively, which made people frightened, and felt that what she said was not a lie!

Li Cendong was afraid, and stared at Shen Chuhua angrily, and then ordered the people around him, "Go, clean up, and restore this place to its original state!"

"What about the expenses for the recovery of the brothers?" Shen Chuhua asked again.

Li Cendong stared at Shen Chuhua angrily, "Okay! I'll give it!"

Li Cendong glanced at the people around him.

The man immediately took out 100 yuan and threw it on the ground!

Shen Chuhua holding a sword brush-

A bloodstain was drawn on the back of the man's hand, "Who asked you to give us money like this, 500 yuan, you kneel down and send it to our martial arts brothers!"

The man was frightened half to death by Shen Chuhua pointing the sword at his throat, and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, Miss Shen, let me go, don't kill me, master..."

Li Cendong made up another 400 yuan, and the man took the money and offered it with both hands.

The brothers in the martial arts hall took over the money.

Li Cendong stared at Shen Chuhua angrily, "How many copies of this information do you have? Give me all of them!

Otherwise, how do I know if you will give this information to others in the future? "

"No, if you are afraid, go back to Nanyang and be a man with your tail between your legs, you know? Let me tell you, Li Cendong is a rascal, so I can be even more rascal than you, understand? Don't offend women, you know? ?" Shen Chuhua said sharply.

At this time, those foreigners returned all the things in the martial arts hall to their original places.

"Let's go, let's retreat!" Li Cendong couldn't smile anymore!

He could only stare at Shen Chuhua with a pair of eyes!

Can't get angry!

He led people away from Shen Chuhua.

Shen Chuhua suddenly frowned slightly and stretched out her legs.

Li Cendong was tripped suddenly.


Li Cendong's body was fat, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

"You... you little bitch, how dare you!" Shen Chuhua pointed his sword at Li Cendong's throat, "I tell you, I am an orphan, without father or mother, I am not afraid of anything, and I am nothing Can be threatened by you!

If you dare to bully the Zhan family again, I will kill you. I have a lot of ideas! "

Isn't Li Cendong despicable, a villain?Then Shen Chuhua will accompany him to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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