There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 818 Refuse the wedding

Chapter 818 Refuse the wedding

She and Zhan Beichen have been in contact with Zhang Yunian for a long time, and even Zhan Beichen said that Zhang Yunian is a good friend.

Shen Chuhua also felt the same way, every time she was in danger or Zhan Beichen was in danger, he would come to his rescue, except when they first met, Zhang Yunian was not very friendly, later on, she gradually found that Zhang Yunian was a good person.

He doesn't bully the good guys, and he never spares the bad guys.

And what about Ruan Shiqing?He looks like a good person, but his heart is dark, such a person is even more terrifying!

Zhang Yunnian's originally cold face suddenly revealed a smile.

Just a little bit.

But Shen Chuhua also saw it, and she felt it was very strange.

"why are you laughing?"

"I didn't laugh!" Zhang Yunnian refused to admit it, and turned to look out the window.

The scenery is so beautiful!

"I just think that Ruan Shiqing is not suitable for you!"

"Yes!" Zhang Yunnian said.

Zhang Yunnian unexpectedly drove the car to the gazebo on the hill of Jinxiu Village.

They came here once, that time Zhang Yunnian brought her here from the movie theater quietly.

At that time, she still hated this gloomy man, but now she doesn't hate it anymore.

Just like Zhan Beichen said, Zhang Yunian is a gentleman and a rare friend.

Zhang Yunnian sat in the pavilion looking at the scenery in the distance, and Shen Chuhua looked at the thousands of homes in the distance together with him.

"What are you thinking?" Shen Chuhua asked.

"It's time to make a break, Ruan Shiqing and I, there should be a break between the two of us!"

"Well, yes, if you don't like it, if you don't love it, then don't give her any hope, but I'm afraid I will suffer in the future!"

Zhang Yunnian looked at Shen Chuhua puzzledly, "Why, why did you suffer?"

Shen Chuhua said, "You refused to marry Ruan Shiqing today, but took me away. Tell me, do I still have it?"

Zhang Yunnian said, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you!"

Shen Chuhua smiled and said, "I'm fine, I'm afraid of her!"

"Do you love fighting Beichen?" Zhang Yunnian asked suddenly.

"I love it!" Shen Chuhua nodded, she didn't love Zhang Yunian, nor would she be Zhang Xiyuan of Zhang Yunian, but she liked Zhang Yunnian as a friend.

Just like Zhang Beichen also likes to make friends with Zhang Yunnian!

In this case, she must tell her best friend the truth!

Shen Chuhua looked into the distance and said slowly, "I used to really not know what it means to love someone, I always felt that I was greedy for Zhan Beichen's kindness to me!

But it wasn't until that day, when I saw him hurt with my own eyes, that moment, that the whole world collapsed, that I realized that I love him so much, I love Zhan Beichen, and I love him very deeply! "

Zhang Yunnian nodded, "He deserves to be loved by you!"

Zhang Yunnian's heart was twisted like a knife, but he still held the attitude of blessing.

He had figured it out a long time ago, love doesn't have to be obtained.

It's also good to keep quiet!

The two chatted for a while, Zhang Yunian wanted to invite Shen Chuhua to dinner, Shen Chuhua said that he would go back to accompany the injured Zhan Beichen.

Zhang Yunian didn't eat anything himself, so he returned home.

By this time, the guests had dispersed, and the backyard had been cleaned up.

Zhan Yunnian came to the backyard step by step!

Ruan Shiqing was sitting in the greenhouse drinking red wine.

Zhang Yunian walked in.

The breath in the whole room suddenly became cold.

Ruan Shiqing's eyes turned red from crying, turned to look at Zhang Yunian, and then smiled like a beautiful flower.

"You're back? Where's Chuhua? Why didn't she come back with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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