There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 822 A Surprise For You 1

Chapter 822 Give You a Surprise 1

Zhan Nanwei was surprised, "What? She transferred to your class!"

"Did the Second Young Master really not know, or did he pretend not to know?" Shen Chuhua asked.

Zhan Nanwei shook his head, "I don't know about this at all! Chuhua, what I told you yesterday was my impulse. I'm afraid that if I don't say it again, I won't have a chance to say it!"

"If it's okay, I'll go first!" Shen Chuhua used to think that Zhan Nanwei was different from Qi Mei, but now she found more and more that Zhan Nanwei was the one with deep scheming and deep secrets.

"Chuhua!" Zhan Nanwei yelled again, "Don't pin your hopes on the fourth child, I'm really doing it for your own good!

You don't know the fourth child, you don't know his past, he won't remarry you because that woman divorced you, this is your fate! "

Shen Chuhua raised her eyebrows, "Which woman? Ruan Shiqing?"

Outsiders don't know the real relationship between Zhan Beichen and Ruan Shiqing. Everyone thinks that Zhan Beichen and Ruan Shiqing are in contact because of their improper relationship.

"Of course it's not Ruan Shiqing, it's..." Zhan Nanwei hesitated and panicked, "It's nothing, first painting!"

Shen Chuhua was very disgusted, turned around and left!

She felt that Zhan Nanwei was provoking her on purpose, which reminded her of what Lu Wanrou told her today, asking her to read more old newspapers in Linyuan!

Is there any secret in the old newspaper, is it about Zhan Beichen?What kind of conspiracy is this?

Zhan Nanwei knew that Shen Chuhua was so smart, his words, together with Lu Wanrou's words today, would definitely create a rift in Shen Chuhua's heart, and Chuhua would slowly discover Zhan Beichen's secret.

At that time, Chuhua and Zhan Beichen will be enemies, Chuhua is too smart!Although she has no powerful background, her father favors her.

Zhan Nanwei thought that he must fight for it so that Shen Chuhua would follow him wholeheartedly and become enemies with Zhan Beichen.

If he got the first painting, he got the inheritance right of the Zhan family, and Zhan Nanwei knew it very well.


The tram stops at a stop near the villa area.

Shen Chuhua got out of the car, stepped on the blue-gray road, and walked slowly along the weeping willows beside the road, full of thoughts.

At this moment, Zhan Beichen's car was on the opposite side of the road. He was sitting in the car, looking at Shen Chuhua, with the corners of his lips raised.

Chuhua wears school uniforms, they are all so good-looking.

At the age of [-], she has hoped to get rid of her youthfulness, but she is also overwhelmed!

Zhan Beichen honked the horn!

Shen Chuhua raised his head suddenly, and saw Zhan Beichen across the road.

She angrily walked to the driver's seat and opened the car door, "I'll drive! You've only been injured for half a month, and you're tossing again!"

Zhan Beichen pampered her little head, "I'm done, go, get in the car!"

Shen Chu drew the car, "It's so late, where are you going?"

Zhan Beichen smiled charmingly, but didn't tell her where she was going.

Shen Chuhua silently looked out the window, and after a while, he arrived at the foot of a mountain on the outskirts of the city.

As soon as the car was parked, Shen Chuhua heard a clanging sound.

Zhan Beichen got out of the car and came to her side to pick her up.

Autumn is approaching, and after sunset, the air is slightly cool.

He took a lotus-colored cloak and draped it over her body, and held her hands, which felt cool.

Ever since she fell into the glacier, her hands and feet were extremely cold, so if Zhan Beichen was in Linyuan, he would never stay out at night.

Thinking of his daughter-in-law curled up in bed with cold hands and feet, he felt distressed.

With the cloak draped over his body, Zhan Beichen held his hand, and Shen Chuhua smiled at him with a raised face, it was so warm.

Zhan Beichen immediately held her in his arms and walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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