There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 833 The only hope

Chapter 833 The Only Hope

In the past, he liked the second youngest of our family who had a shallow dream, but then she died! "Shen Chuhua's words were eerie.

Lu Wanrou was startled and closed her mouth.

At this time, the car stopped and arrived at Lu's mansion.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, a woman in a light blue opera robe was singing to an old lady.

Lu Wanrou walked up to the old woman, and said in a coquettish voice, "Grandma, this is the doctor I invited, Shen Chuhua!"

The old lady made a gesture, and the singer stopped.

The old lady's sharp eyes examined Shen Chuhua, with malicious intentions and mistrust in her eyes.

Shen Chuhua didn't need to greet such an old lady.

The old lady said angrily, "This is the doctor you found? It doesn't look as old as you, a baby girl, you tell me a genius doctor? You girl is useless at all, I think you just want to find a doctor." Doctor, put my precious grandson to death."

A chill flashed in Lu Wanrou's eyes, and then she smiled apologetically, "Grandmother, Chuhua cured the ancestor of the Zhan family, don't underestimate her!"

Shen Chuhua already understood the relationship between the two people in front of him.

The old lady slandered Lu Wanrou so much, but she was still able to explain it calmly, which showed that she was used to it.

Based on Lu Wanrou's character, would she not care what the old lady said?No, definitely not!

It can be seen from this that Lu Wanrou had a conspiracy in letting her come this time, it was a conspiracy to kill two birds with one stone, Shen Chuhua knew it already.

The old lady knew about Shen Chuhua's relationship with the Zhan family, so she didn't continue to say anything, but her face was cold, as if she didn't want to see her.

At this time, a middle-aged man came out of the house with a smile, wearing a suit with black framed eyes.

This is the director of Jane Eyre Hospital.

Shen Chuhua had saved people in his hospital, and he knew Shen Chuhua's ability very well, so he warmly greeted him, "Miss Shen, please come in!"

Dean Lu asked Shen Chuhua to enter the room, and the old lady got up and walked in with her cane.

Lu Wanrou wanted to help her, but the old lady refused, "Get out of the way, don't touch me!"

Lu Wanrou's hand was thrown away, she stared at the old lady's back, and said in her heart, "Hmph, old lady, just wait! Sometimes you cry!

If the family business falls into my hands in the future, I will be the first to kill you! "

Dean Lu directly invited Shen Chuhua to his nephew's bedroom.

At this moment, apart from the patient lying on the couch, there is also a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman in the room.

Both of them were dressed luxuriously and had a graceful temperament.

They looked Shen Chuhua up and down, is this really a miracle doctor?

"Brother, sister-in-law, this is Shen Chuhua!"

The middle-aged man said bluntly, "Miss Shen, I have long heard that your medical skills are excellent, but my son has been paralyzed for half a year, and I don't expect him to wake up, but he must not die. His condition is serious, so don't bother Miss Shen!"

These words were an obvious distrust of Shen Chuhua.

The middle-aged lady said, "Yes, I count on my son to be alive, even if I raise him for the rest of my life, I am willing!"

The implication is that once Shen Chuhua is treated, will their son be put to death?

Lu Wanrou walked over abruptly, "Uncle, you must believe in Chuhua, she is my brother's only hope for waking up! The Zhan family all believe in her medical skills, don't you doubt it?"

The lady glanced at Lu Wanrou in disgust, "Don't bother, you all go out, there are too many people, the air in the room is thin, my son will feel uncomfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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