Chapter 1001


Zhu Zi cried out sadly, although he didn't want to believe it, but he knew that his mother had left.

Like my father five years ago, he left her and his sister behind.

The murderer is still the same person!

"Axue, take the medicine quickly, and you will be fine after taking the medicine!" Yu Wenhua also panicked, and stuffed the elixir in Ning Xue's mouth.

But Ning Xue was silent, the pill rolled out of her mouth, and Ning Xue's body became colder and colder.

Yu Wenhua finally recognized the reality, the woman he loved the most left.

" are so confused..."

Yu Wenhua knelt on the ground and wailed loudly. For so many years, the goal of his hard work was to give Ning Xue a good life, and to live a life of a fairy couple with Ning Xue.

Seeing that the goal is about to be achieved, but Ning Xue suddenly turned against him. The five-year love turned against him as soon as she said it was over, and she even made up her mind to poison him. same.

But... Even if this woman is ruthless and cruel, he still can't let go!

As long as Ning Xue can come back to life, even if her heart is not on him, he doesn't mind.

He just wanted Ning Xue to be with him, to be his wife, and to be called Mrs. Yuwen by others, so that he would be very satisfied.

Love is so humble, Yu Wenhua even looks down on himself, but who makes the other party the woman he has loved all his life!

But now...

Yu Wenhua looked at the motionless Ning Xue heartbrokenly, and stretched out his hand to touch it. Maybe he was wrong, Ning Xue was just asleep!

"Don't touch my mother!"

Zhu Zi hugged Ning Xue tightly, and stared at Yu Wenhua viciously, her eyes were full of hatred.

This is the man who called his father brothers and sisters, stabbed his father severely in the back, poisoned his father, robbed his mother, and now killed his mother, he will take revenge!


Let these people pay in blood!

"Axue is Mrs. Yuwen now, and I am her husband!" Yu Wenhua's face darkened.

He can tolerate Ning Xue without a limit, but it doesn't mean that he is a big-hearted person. On the contrary, Yu Wenhua, like his son Yu Wenfeng, is narrow-minded and will take revenge.

And he will not love the house and the crow, because of Ning Xue, he will show mercy to the Zhu Zi brothers and sisters!

"My mother will always be Mrs. Zhu. She has never acknowledged the identity of Mrs. Yuwen. Stop daydreaming!"

Zhu Zi picked up Ning Xue's body and confronted Yu Wenhua coldly.

He was half a head taller than Yu Wenhua, although he was young, but he faintly overwhelmed Yu Wenhua's aura.

Yu Wenhua couldn't help taking a few steps back, looking at Zhu Zi with fear, this kid is much more sharp than his father Zhu Fan, he must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a serious disaster in the future!

"Step aside!"

Zhu Zi scolded in a cold voice, even though she was holding Ning Xue, the palms of her hands turned black, Yu Wenfeng was shocked, and shouted at Yu Wenhua: "Dad, get out of the way!"

He and Zhu Zi grew up and knew that if Zhu Zi's palms turned black, it meant that his whole body was covered with poison, as long as he touched it, he would be poisoned.

The reason for this is because Zhu Zi is a born poisonous person.

Since he was born, his body has been carrying a strong poison. Those old antiques were astonished, they regarded Zhu Zi as a treasure, and carefully cultivated him. Later, Zhu Zi gradually controlled the poison on his body, and usually concentrated the poison in the palm of his hand.

But if defending against the enemy, Zhu Zi will transport the poison to the whole body, and kill gods when they meet gods, and kill Buddhas when they meet Buddhas!

(End of this chapter)

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