Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 1032 Destroy what matters most

Chapter 1032 Destroy what matters most

Afterwards, Lu Mo called Ye Qingqing again, telling him that he had changed his itinerary and delayed his return by a week. Ye Qingqing was pleased when he heard that, but he said, "I'm going to miss you for another week, what should I do?"

Lu Mo, who was warm in his heart, slightly curved his lips, and comforted him: "I will be back as soon as possible, you have to be good at home."

"I'm sure I'll be obedient. Brother, don't worry. Come back soon after you have done something good. I will miss you forever."

Ye Qingqing's sweet words coaxed Lu Mo into a smile all over his face, and the other members of the accompanying group were dumbfounded, tsk tsk tsk... So this big ice cube can also laugh!

I must be on the phone with my girlfriend, look at this young man with a happy face!

After hanging up Lu Mo's phone call, Ye Qingqing danced happily, since the butler is not here, she can take her revenge freely!

There are still two weeks left, enough time for Ye Yuanhao's virus to break out, and the show is about to begin!

Ye Yuanhao felt very tired in the past few days. He had been recuperating for nearly a week, but his whole body was still sore and his throat felt uncomfortable.

I wanted to rest for a few more days, but the pile of work on hand became a mountain. Tang Yufen called to ask, Ye Yuanhao was still lying down, so he had to cheer up and go to work, but he only worked for two days, and he couldn't take it anymore up.

Because he actually had a fever.

Ye Yuanhao finds it very strange. Although he looks like a scholar, he is actually a good athlete. He is good at tennis and rugby. Did not touch.

The sudden fever made Ye Yuanhao panic, he felt faintly uneasy, and thought of that crazy night when he didn't wear a condom some time ago.

As a high-achieving student, Ye Yuanhao certainly has a very clear understanding of HIV. Even if he was caught without wearing a condom that night, it is impossible for him to respond so quickly. The incubation period of HIV in the body is very long, at least a month. It will not happen for more than ten years, or even decades.

He and that woman have only been together for more than a week, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have an attack so quickly.

In the previous one-night stand, he was 100% sure that he wore a condom, which was absolutely safe.

Ye Yuanhao felt much more relieved, it definitely wouldn't be, maybe it was because the riots were too crazy that day, and the physical load was too heavy!

Although he comforted himself, the physical discomfort was real, and the fever was getting higher and higher. After taking the antipyretics, the low-grade fever continued for three consecutive days. The low-grade fever did not ease at all, and Ye Yuanhao was uneasy again. He decided to go to the hospital for another examination, so that he could feel completely at ease.

His current symptoms were so similar to those of the early onset of HIV, Ye Yuanhao was very disturbed, he went to Meng Yifan Hospital and directly asked for an HIV test, but it would take three days to get the results, which is the fastest.

If it was another public hospital, it would have been at least a week. Ye Yuanhao didn't dare to use his real name, so he just took an alias, but he didn't know that Ye Qingqing had been following him and photographed all his whereabouts.

Since he wanted to destroy a person, he had to do it thoroughly, and he couldn't give this bastard another chance to stand up!

The Ye family values ​​reputation the most, so she will let the Ye family have no reputation anymore.

The granddaughter is a good husband, the grandson has sex every night, and is infected with HIV... This kind of reputation is enough for Tang Yufen to drink a pot of!

(End of this chapter)

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