Chapter 1037

The inland in the 90s was as pure as white paper. Many people didn't even know what AIDS was, and they had never heard of it, but there were still quite a few people of insight.

"This disease is terrible. It is more terrible than cancer. Cancer is death by itself, and AIDS is death together. Syphilis Hualiu knows, AIDS is more severe than them..."

"Oh, yo... isn't this a virus bomb? The bourgeoisie are really not good people. They come to Pingjiang to harm people with this dirty disease."

"I also blame those girls for not being self-respecting. When they saw that they were from HK, their eyes turned green, and they pounced on them like hungry wolves. Now they are fine. They must have been infected with dirty diseases. If I had such a daughter, my legs would be broken." !"

"This kind of evil spirit must be kicked out. He looks like a bad guy. He has a wicked face. What is his name? Ye Yuanhao, the third son of the Ye family of HK, bah...he has a face called Yuanhao, shameless of……"

"It's terrible, this Ye family makes plasters, and the Jiuzang plasters they sell are quite good, but they are a bit expensive."

"You still dare to use it. If you raise this kind of harmful sperm offspring, who knows if there is HIV in the plaster, and your family will be finished by then!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, with solemn expressions, and immediately decided not to use Jiuzang plaster.

No matter how good the effect is, they dare not use it anymore.

Life matters!

What thing in the world has no wings but is faster than an airplane?

It must be a rumor.

In just one day, the news that Ye Yuanhao, the third son of HK's Ye family, has AIDS has spread throughout the city, and it is still spreading. I believe it won't be long before it reaches HK.

Moreover, all major pharmacies in Pingjiang found that Jiuzang plaster, which was usually sold very well, suddenly fell into a slow market. Almost all customers who came to buy plasters chose other plasters.

Even if someone wants to buy Jiuzang, there will always be enthusiastic people nearby to give advice.

"Are you really not afraid of death? Do you know that this plaster is poisonous, that is AIDS, which is worse than Hualiu disease, and the whole family will die together..."


Customers who wanted to buy Jiuzang plaster were so frightened that they immediately chose other plasters.

Don’t be afraid of tens of thousands, just in case, you can’t go wrong if you are careful. Even if the people in the pharmacy explain in twos or threes that HIV can’t survive in the air for five seconds, let alone be transmitted through plasters, no one dares to use it.

"What if I encounter a deadly virus? You can guarantee that the plaster will not be contagious? I would rather die in pain than use this poisonous plaster. If I really want to get a dirty disease, my ancestors will lose face!"

Everyone had the same idea. In fact, they also felt that the possibility of plaster infection was extremely small, or even impossible, but no one dared to try it.

Besides, besides Jiuzang, there are no other plasters, so why hang on this poisonous tree!

Ye Qingqing originally just wanted to embarrass the Ye family, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good that it even affected the sales of Jiuzang Plaster.

What a surprise!

Not long after, Ye Qingqing received a call from the old lady.

"What did you do?" the old lady cut to the chase.

Ye Qingqing didn't deny it either, but she concealed the matter of cooperating with Ding Ba, and only reasoned that Ye Yuanhao had already been infected with the virus, which she found out by accident.

"Good job, the sales of Jiuzang Plaster in Pingjiang have fallen to the bottom, and it will soon affect other cities. You don't have to worry about it, I will take care of it!"

The old lady did not hesitate to praise Ye Qingqing, and she liked Ye Qingqing more and more. She only thought that this granddaughter resembled her when she was young.

However, it is still too tender and needs to be tempered.

(End of this chapter)

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