Chapter 1060

But in the photo of the deceased in the newspaper, although his whole body was rotten, Ye Yuanxiu could still recognize that it was his good cousin Ye Yuanhao.

Ye Yuanhao was really dead.

And it was an indecent death.

Now I'm afraid the whole world will know that the third son of the Ye family died of AIDS complications, and he died in front of the hotel.

Ye Yuanxiu's expression was very gloomy when he saw the sentence at the end of the report. Grandma swore and swore to save a little performance, but now it was ruined. Damn Ye Yuanhao, why didn't he stay in the United States for treatment, and why did he come to Pingjiang?

Shameful idiot!

Regarding Ye Yuanhao's death, Ye Yuanxiu didn't feel sad at all. He and Ye Yuanhao didn't have a deep relationship at all, and they were competitors. He would die if he died. Woolen cloth!

But Ye Yuanxiu couldn't be happy.

Ye Yuanhao's death had a great impact on Fernmei, and it was very likely that his performance would fall to the bottom again, so he had to report to his grandma quickly.

Tang Yufen from HK got up on time at seven in accordance with her usual habit, and went to the back garden to drink morning tea.

She has maintained this habit for nearly 30 years, rain or shine, except that she is not feeling well or has major delays, otherwise she has to go to the back garden to drink morning tea, and afternoon tea in the afternoon.

Tang Yufen's morning tea culture was not influenced by HK, but by the eldest lady of the Sang family when she was a maid in the Sang family in her early years.

The eldest lady of the Sang family studied in the UK and was not young when she returned to China, but this eldest lady is not married. She is a unique person and is very famous in Pingjiang. She is friends with many politicians and scholars. She even hosted the A newspaper, the articles written are more vicious than men.

The pen name of this young lady of the Sang family is Qiu Sha, which is an unlucky name, but Qiu Sha's reputation is very loud. Miss Sang not only writes about current affairs, but also writes novels and prose. She is an extremely romantic and free-spirited woman.

But later, Miss Sang was almost arrested and imprisoned because she offended the government at the time. Finally, she fled abroad with the help of her friends. After that, there was no news of her again, and she did not know whether she was alive or dead.

Tang Yufen worked as a servant in Sang's house, and of course she had met many famous ladies. If she had to say that the famous lady she admired most was Gu Nianci, although she looked down on Gu Nianci's stupidity, she envied that Gu Nianci could live a carefree life without any worries. Someone is worried.

But what she wants to do most is Miss Sang.

Tang Yufen envied Miss Sang's true freedom and coquetry, and her chicness of laughing and cursing with a pen, which many men can't match. Tang Yufen regarded Miss Sang as an idol since she was a child.

Therefore, she subtly learned from Miss Sang, but her talent is limited, her knowledge is even shallower, and she does not have the free and easy and romantic in her bones, and finally only learned Miss Sang's food culture.

Miss Sang loves to drink morning tea and afternoon tea, and she must drink it every day.

She felt that she was getting closer to Miss Sang.

Ye Xunmei, who was wearing a vest, came over. He was running in the garden. He had to run in the morning every day.

"Madam, the second son is calling."

The servant brought the phone and stood beside it respectfully. Tang Yufen sipped English black tea with a calm smile on her face, but only listened to one sentence.


The expensive bone china cup fell to the ground, and the tea splashed all over the floor. Tang Yufen finally lost her former calmness and restraint, and panicked.

There are two more

(End of this chapter)

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