Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 1068 Not Shameless enough

Chapter 1068 Not Shameless enough

"I did something wrong, so I suffered retribution... It's all my fault. After so many years, I have always felt uncomfortable. I wanted to come back and apologize to the eldest lady..."

Tang Yufen spoke intermittently, with snot and tears, her face full of regret.

Not only Ye Qingqing and the others were surprised, but even Ye Yuanxiu couldn't figure it out, what is grandma doing?

It was obviously Sheng Xinlan and the others who were wrong, why did grandma kowtow to her enemy?

But before coming, Tang Yufen warned him not to say anything more, Ye Yuanxiu didn't dare to disobey, so he knelt down and wanted to help Tang Yufen up, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"The old hag must be acting, deliberately selling miserably, absolutely."

Ye Qingqing whispered in Lu Mo's ear, she didn't believe it anyway.

Lu Mo frowned slightly, and he also didn't believe it, but he no longer dared to underestimate Tang Yufen. This woman is cruel, merciless, and she can hold her face. She is an extremely difficult opponent.

He even felt that Tang Yufen was more difficult to deal with than the old lady. No wonder Tang Yufen was able to deceive the old lady successfully.

The old lady's means are indeed very powerful, and she has a broad mind and knowledge, but the old lady is not as shameless as Tang Yufen. Tang Yufen was born at the bottom. In order to survive, she can shamelessly use any means.

Just like the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony back then, Xiang Yu lost because Liu Bang was not shameless enough.

**** is actually more suitable for survival, Lu Mo secretly alerted, and raised Tang Yufen's opponent's level by several levels.

"Get up, it's a new society now, don't use the old way, although your deed of prostitution is still with me, but you don't need to call it that anymore." The old lady said calmly, calmly.

The corner of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, almost laughing out loud.

She doesn't use dirty words when swearing, her grandma is really amazing.

Tang Yufen gritted her teeth with hatred. Back then, she coaxed Gu Nianci to go to Sheng Xinlan to get her contract of sale, but Sheng Xinlan relied on Gu Nianci for everything else, but she refused to let go of her contract of sale.

Unexpectedly, this old temptress is still holding that contract!

Tang Yufen hated it so much that she almost broke her merits. The deed of selling her body was the greatest shame engraved in her heart. It reminded her all the time and encouraged her to work hard to make money, fight a bloody road with HK, and gain a firm foothold.

"No matter what time it is, Missy is always Missy in my heart, and Yufen dare not be disrespectful."

After being pampered for decades, Tang Yufen couldn't take it anymore, and followed Ye Yuanxiu to get up, but she couldn't find a stool after searching for a long time, and the old lady didn't even ask Xiao Li to sit down.

Ye Yuanxiu said angrily: "Is this how your Sang family treats guests? You don't even have tea chairs?"

Ye Qingqing sneered and said: "You have already said that it is the way of hospitality, you come here uninvited, you are not our guests."

"Qingqing, don't be rude."

The old lady scolded in a low voice, but she still didn't let Xiao Li serve the tea and let Tang Yufen and the others stand.

"I don't dare to sit down in front of Missy, just stand." Tang Yufen held back her anger, and said in a low voice, with a pitiful look.

The old man also couldn't understand this woman's mind more and more, but she knew that Tang Yufen must have no good intentions.

No matter how docile a poisonous snake is, it will always be a poisonous snake, maybe it will bite you at some point!

"Of course it's good for you to come to make amends. It shows that your conscience is still alive. What about your adulterer Ye Xunmei? Why doesn't he come here?" The old lady asked intentionally.

There's still three more, let's go eat first

(End of this chapter)

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