Chapter 1080

Other guests also accused Yu Wuwei, saying that he was too tasteless.

"If you don't have the confidence, don't mess around. The owner of the soup cooks the dishes. According to the rules, you will get 1000 yuan. This has nothing to do with the price. This is your bet." Someone said.

"That's right, this 1000 yuan is not the price of vegetables. Since you have made a bet, you have to be willing to admit defeat. Boss Yu is also a famous person, so don't make people laugh!"


Everyone said what you said, and I said what I said, making Yu Wuwei's face even darker, angry, ashamed and hated, a penny is killing a hero, a poor man has short ambitions, if he can, he doesn't want to lose face in front of his deadly enemy.

Papa Tang said: "Forget it, I have to thank Boss Yu for helping me come up with such a good dish, this meal will be treated as my invitation to Boss Yu."


Tang Yuanyuan yelled in dissatisfaction, Tang's father smiled at her ingratiatingly, Tang Yuanyuan had no choice but to give up, with a resentful face.

Yu Wuwei gritted his teeth, showing no appreciation for Tang's father, took a deep look at Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuanyuan, and strode away from Baiweiju, but he didn't know that the scene of him and Ye Qingqing's confrontation was watched by those who cared In the eyes.

Those who cared were Tang Yufen and Ye Yuanxiu who came to Baiweiju for dinner. They came earlier than Ye Qingqing and his party, and Ye Yuanxiu had reserved a box in advance. The commotion just now was so loud that it could be heard in the box.

Tang Yufen was very surprised to see Gu Nianci and Ye Qingqing, it is really unlucky to meet these people every meal

But not long after, Tang Yufen had a new thought. It seems that the owner of this restaurant has a close relationship with Gu Nianci and the others, but the boss Yu just now is the enemy. With his eyes, he could see Yu Wuwei's ambition and resentment at a glance.

This boss surnamed Yu can take advantage of it!

Tang Yufen whispered in Ye Yuanxiu's ear, Ye Yuanxiu nodded, got up and left the box, but by such a coincidence, the box Papa Tang arranged for Ye Qingqing and the others happened to be next door to Tang Yufen.

As soon as Ye Yuanxiu came out, he bumped into Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing was about to say sorry, but when she looked up, she saw Ye Yuanxiu, and then Tang Yufen in the box, her face sank, it's unlucky to meet the old witch after a meal!

"Don't you have eyes?"

Since it was Ye Yuanxiu, of course Ye Qingqing would not be polite, she just cursed and stepped heavily on Ye Yuanxiu's white leather shoes, leaving black footprints!

Ye Yuanxiu also saw Ye Qingqing, and he couldn't get angry. When he saw the footprints on the new leather shoes, Ye Yuanxiu, who was slightly clean, became even more angry, and said coldly: "Who hit who? It’s really lingering, my grandma and I have to follow when we go out for dinner, do you want to be a dog?”

"You are the dog, the dog that eats shit every day!"

Ye Qingqing sneered back and refused to give in. Papa Tang was surprised and asked his daughter what was going on in a low voice.

Tang Yuanyuan roughly explained the grievances between Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuhua's family, "Anyway, they are sworn enemies!"

Papa Tang looked serious, and immediately made a decision. He said to Ye Yuanxiu in a deep voice, "You are not welcome in this shop. I am treating you to dinner today. Please leave!"

Gu Nianci's kindness to him was as great as a mountain, how could he cook food for his adoptive mother's enemy?

Don't you become an ungrateful person!

Tang Yufen heard the movement and came out, looking much better than before in Sangzhai, because she put on a little makeup and changed into a simple and elegant cheongsam, her spirit was much better.

Papa Tang repeated: "Please leave the store, and don't come to eat in the future, we don't welcome you!"

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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