Chapter 1082

But the resentment on Tang Yufen's face was only fleeting, and then changed into sadness and helplessness, and her spirit, which was still good before, suddenly withered like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"I did something wrong, the crime is unforgivable, the eldest lady should blame me..."

Tang Yufen smiled wryly and didn't refute a word. Her humble appearance caused others to change their views. Maybe there was something hidden. They couldn't just convict someone with just a few words!

The old lady interrupted her and shouted: "Not only did you do something wrong, you are an unforgivable crime. As a servant of my family, you seduced my uncle to elope and stole all the money and jewelry from my family. In terms of banknotes, it is worth at least 500 million. You took the money from my family and lived a good life in Hong Kong. Now you come back and say that you are wrong, and then take another 20 yuan to pretend to want us The family forgives you?"

Ye Qingqing couldn't bear it any longer, and said sarcastically: "My grandma said before that if you really want to plead guilty, you can keep the man and don't have to return them. The stolen jewels and oceans can be converted into 500 million in cash and returned. But you shamelessly refused to admit it, this kind of sincerity of pleading guilty...hehe...even a dog would not believe it!"

Tang Yufen's face was as black as carbon, she never expected that the old lady would speak out this family scandal in public, it was completely beyond her expectation.

In her impression, the old lady is a lady of every family, and the most important thing is her reputation, and she pursues that family ugliness should not be publicized. When she eloped with Ye Xunmei, Sheng Xinlan only said that Ye Xunmei had a sudden illness and passed away. No mention of it.

But now...

Tang Yufen gritted her teeth, feeling uneasy.

She has always felt that she is better than the old lady. Although her talent and family background are not as good as the old lady's, she is more embarrassing than the old lady. As long as she can survive, she can even be her cousin.

Ye Qingqing is right, she is indeed shameless, hum...compared to survival, face is nothing!

Sheng Xinlan is different, she is a young lady, and her face is more important than her face, that's why she fell into her tricks 40 years ago. Tang Yufen thought that 40 years later, she would still play the old lady in her hands.

But Tang Yufen forgot that the old lady who swept the toilet, did farm work, shaved her yin and yang hair, and went on a parade in public is no longer the old lady of the Sheng family who wanted to save face and suffer!

Like Tang Yufen, she has realized the true meaning of life.

As long as you can survive, face counts as shit!

"Miss, things are not what you think, you listen to my explanation..." Tang Yufen lowered her head and wiped her tears, trying to get away with vague words, but the old lady would not give her a chance.

"You don't have to argue anymore. My uncle ran away with you, and you stole the money. I, Sheng Xinlan, never lie. If there are guests over 60 years old, they should know that the Sang family in Yimintang 40 years ago had a piece of paper." It was a scandal, but at the time I publicized it to the outside world because my cousin died of illness, and I dared not speak out about my family's ugliness, for fear of losing face!"

The old lady suddenly turned to the guests who were watching the excitement. She had already seen through Tang Yufen's intentions, and she just wanted to show her misery to win sympathy. revealing.

Hmph, most of her body has already been buried in the ground, so what else is there to care about!

And it was Tang Yufen who stole and eloped, and she was the one who made a fool of herself!

Gu Nianci's complexion changed drastically, he lowered his head in embarrassment, and gently tugged the old lady, trying to stop her from telling what happened back then.

She can't afford to lose that face!

(End of this chapter)

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