Chapter 1097

Ye Qingqing immediately thought of those lost men, and she could think of it with her toes. Tang Yufen would never make her feel better. The biggest possibility is to use the most humiliating trick to deal with women to avenge Ye Susu!

But she didn't know that Tang Yufen's heart was even more vicious.

"Hurry up, some idiots are coming!" Pippi flew in.

Ye Qingqing kicked him, Yu Moli rolled her eyes and fainted. She grabbed Wuchen and hid behind the small house, wondering what the man Tang Yufen wanted to do!

"It's here, hell, how did you find such a place where no shit, so many abandoned houses, who knows which one..."

Several well-dressed men approached the small house, complaining that they had arrived at the farm a long time ago, but because Yu Wuwei didn't explain clearly, they searched around the farm for a long time, and finally called Tang Yufen to find it. here.

It can only be said that if you are not afraid of a godly opponent, you are afraid of a pig teammate. Tang Yufen is not familiar with the place in Pingjiang, so she can only find a few useless ones when she looks for it temporarily.

"There's a woman lying in the room, isn't that it?"

"It must be. The old woman is talking about a young girl. Let us tie it up and go to the pier. Hurry up and get the money when it's done."

The men were very excited. They had been famine for several months, and finally managed to catch Tang Yufen's fat sheep. As long as they did this big one, they could eat it for half a year!


"This... This girl is too ugly, right? Can Brother Lei want it?"

After seeing Yu Moli's appearance and figure clearly, the men fell silent and looked at each other.

Gangzhen... Even if they are in a famine period, if an ugly woman like Yu Moli is delivered to their door for free, they still have to think about it for a few hours.

No way, it looks so ugly, the little brother will be weak!

Moreover, Lei Ge has always only accepted young and beautiful girls. This girl is young, but her appearance is too difficult to describe.

"Why don't the old woman say that it was given to Lei Ge for nothing? I still think that the old woman is so generous. Just like this, I can't take it if I don't give Lei Ge for nothing... Hurry up, Lei Ge has a cargo ship going there at night."

"I'm going to get the secondary door panel, otherwise I won't be able to carry it."

A gangster ran out to look for the door panel, and the others stared at Yu Moli on the ground in a daze, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Boss, do you know what Brother Lei did with this girl?"

"What else can you do, sell meat? Lei Ge and the kiln on the HK Bay Island have business. Every year, a group of stupid women will be tricked into selling it. You go back and remind your relatives and fellow villagers that those who brag say that you can pick it up on the ground when you go outside. Gold, ten out of ten recruitment units that can earn 10,000+ a year are deceitful!"

A man scoffed, his tone mocking.

The other boys looked thoughtful and looked sympathetically at Yu Moli on the ground. Although a little guilt flashed in their hearts, it was only for a moment, and they hardened their hearts soon.

These days, people die for money, and they also do it to make money. If this girl wants to complain, she should blame herself for offending someone she shouldn't!

They are just doing things for money!

Ma Zai, who was looking for the door panel, ran back carrying the door panel. The door panel was still quite strong. Several people lifted the heavy Yu Moli onto the door panel. The door panel, which had withstood the baptism of years, made a creaking sound, but they still persisted.


The boss issued an order, and several people walked out of the small house, but they didn't find Ye Qingqing and Wu Chen who were hiding behind the house.

(End of this chapter)

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