Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 114 The Filial Granddaughter

Chapter 114 The Filial Granddaughter

Ye Qingqing was suspicious, Ye Zhiguo is not someone who gives up easily, why did he compromise so quickly this time?

Shen Yanhong was also in a hurry, and kicked several times secretly under the table, Ye Zhiguo gave her a look, Shen Yanhong didn't dare to kick anymore, but she was very anxious in her heart.

"Qian Xiaotong's is of course no problem, why don't you just give me the household registration booklet, Dad, and I'll go through the formalities, so that you don't have to ask for leave." Ye Qingqing's heart moved, and she took the opportunity to ask for the household registration booklet.

Following Lu Mo's method, she found the safe in the study, but she couldn't find a spare key. She searched the entire study and found nothing, so she didn't open the safe now, and naturally she couldn't get the household registration book.

Of course Ye Zhiguo would not agree, he would never hand over the account book to Ye Qingqing, as long as the account book is in his hands, he can hold Ye Qingqing, this girl can't find his Wuzhishan at all.

And he had to go through the formalities himself.

They pretended to move Ye Tong first, but in fact they moved Ye Hua and Ye Lan together, so as to avoid Ye Qingqing. Anyway, this girl is easy to coax, so just keep her from seeing it. Just sign and cover Once the seal is signed, the account is finalized.

Ye Qingqing was not too disappointed. Ye Zhiguo held the household registration book tightly. In her previous life, she saw her household registration booklet for the first time when she and Lu Qingquan registered their marriage.

He had to find a way to get the household registration book, and Ye Zhiguo could no longer control it in this life.

Also, the real estate certificate of this house had to be obtained. Fortunately, Xu Yali took precautions. The land certificate of the house was not in the hands of Ye Zhiguo, and the other two houses were in the hands of the lawyer.

Otherwise, Ye Zhiguo might have made himself the head of the house long ago.

"Whatever, I'm too lazy to run!"

Ye Qingqing pretended not to be interested, but she had an idea in her heart.

Ye Zhiguo must go to open the safe, she can let Pippi peek at the password, Ye Zhiguo will guard against her, but he will not guard against Pippi.

"It's very troublesome to go through the formalities, and the weather is hot. How comfortable it is for you to stay at home. I'll ask you to sign after Dad has completed all the formalities." Ye Zhiguo had a loving face.


Ye Qingqing responded casually, remembered something again, cheered up, cleared her throat, and announced loudly: "Dad, grandma will come to live in a few days."


Shen Yanhong couldn't hold the bowl firmly and fell on the table with a shocked expression on her face.

The dead old lady is coming?

What good life does she have?

Ye Zhiguo was also shocked, he didn't exclude his old lady from coming, but the former old lady came to live a few times, and every time she came, the house was filled with chaos and smog, Ye Lan cried every day, and Shen Yanhong was exhausted, so he It's even more uncomfortable in the middle.

He is more satisfied with the current state, sending some money to the old lady in the country every month, the wife in the family is peaceful, how nice!

"Why is your grandma coming all of a sudden?" Ye Zhiguo's head started to hurt again.

Ye Qingqing looked at him innocently, "I miss grandma, so I called grandma, grandma said that it is difficult to eat some meat in the countryside, she is greedy for meat, but my second uncle and third uncle refused to buy meat, so I asked grandma Come to our house to eat meat, Dad, do you think I am doing it right?"

Ye Zhiguo's temples were throbbing, like needle pricks, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, Qingqing is really filial."

How can the countryside have the conditions to eat meat every day, once or twice a month is good, besides, the elderly have to eat less meat, vegetables and tofu to keep them safe, Qingqing, what a mess this dead girl is adding!

But he can't say he's wrong, if his old lady finds out, she'll have to call him a bloody sprinkler!

Ye Zhiguo was somewhat in awe of his mother who had worked so hard to raise him since he was a child.

Shen Yanhong's heart became bitter like a yellow lotus, and Ye Lan's tongue was even more bitter.

Because when the old lady came, the two of them were the worst in the family. They would be in dire straits every day, and life would be worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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