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Chapter 12 She is Lu Mo's Legs

Chapter 12 She is Lu Mo's Legs

Ye Qingqing looked at Old Master Lu and said earnestly, "Grandpa Lu, Big Brother Lu Mo will really stand up again, you can't be discouraged!"

Hua Guo was not well governed, so she took Lu Mo abroad to govern, and there must be a miracle.

If it really can't be cured, then she will be Lu Mo's legs, take care of him for the rest of her life, and even give birth to him!

It's just that the legs are not working well, and it doesn't affect the childbirth!

Ye Qingqing blushed again, but soon calmed down, getting married and having children is a matter of course, so there is nothing to be ashamed of!

"Girl Qingqing is right, Mo'er will definitely stand up, and anyone who dares to talk nonsense at home from now on will be fucked!" Old Master Lu said harshly, but his eyes were fixed on Yue Hongxia.

Lu Jiangang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "If anyone dares to talk nonsense, I can't spare her, Dad, don't worry!"

Yue Hongxia felt uncomfortable, she was already disabled, so what's the use of the baby!

The old man must be confused!

Mr. Lu snorted softly, and ignored his second son. He is old, but he is not confused. He knows what the second son is like better than anyone else.

But the grandson of the second room, Lu Qingquan, is still good. For the sake of the grandson, the old man will bear with the second room, but the old man would never think that he still misjudged the wrong person in the end!

"Dad, Ah Mo is tired, I'll push him to the room to rest!" Lin Shufang didn't want to see Erfang, she was weak but not confused, knowing that Erfang's family must be gloating now.

Niu Tiedan hurriedly said, "Auntie, I'm coming!"

From now on, he will be the battalion commander's leg. He will go wherever the battalion commander goes, and he will never leave the battalion commander for half a step.

Ye Qingqing wanted to talk to Lu Mo, stepped forward and said with a smile, "Brother Tie Dan, I will help you!"

Niu Tiedan scratched his head embarrassingly, "Miss Ye can just call me Tiedan, but you can call me Big Brother Shazi!"

"Then don't call me Miss Ye, call me Qingqing!"

"Middle, I just think it's a mouthful to call Miss Ye!" Niu Tiedan is just right, calling him sister-in-law is just fine, but I don't know what the battalion commander is thinking if he insists on calling him Miss Ye.

Lu Mo coughed lightly, and glanced at Niu Tiedan dissatisfiedly. The chat was endless.

Niu Tiedan laughed, and pushed the wheelchair to Lu Mo's room. It was originally on the second floor, but now it's on the first floor, which is convenient for Lu Mo to enter and exit.

Ye Qingqing followed behind, and she didn't care if it was wrong for her to go to a big man's room as a big girl, anyway, she was going to fix Lu Mo in this life, no matter what others thought!

Lin Shufang wanted to follow, but when she saw Ye Qingqing gone, she stopped, with relief in her eyes.

"Grandpa Lu, Second Uncle and Second Aunt, Third Uncle and Third Aunt, Aunt Fang..."

Ye Lan came over panting, her face pale, as if she was going to die at any moment.

She wanted to come here a little later, but a gust of wind blew just now, and several caterpillars fell from the tree, which scared her almost to the point of getting sick, so she hurried over without daring to sit any longer.

Ye Lan didn't know that the tree she was sitting on was actually a poplar tree. Caterpillars like to stay on it the most. Even if there is no wind, a few of them will fall down. When the wind blows, it is like raining. Ye Lan stays in the house all year round. But Ye Qingqing knew it very well, that's why she purposely asked her to rest under a tree, and punished this bitch in a small way!

Seeing that the atmosphere in the Lu family was very quiet, and everyone's expressions were not very good, Ye Lan was secretly happy. This idiot Ye Qingqing must have talked about retiring the engagement, and Grandpa Lu will no longer support her in the future!

Now is her good opportunity to perform.

"Grandpa Lu, Qingqing just said these things because she couldn't accept it for a while. Don't be angry with her. I'll try to persuade her later!" Ye Lan didn't see Ye Qingqing standing at the stairs. I thought she ran away after she said she was retiring the engagement, and she was even more happy.

The new book is asking for tickets, I have to yell every day, don’t bother my darlings ⊙?⊙!Meme ^3 ^

(End of this chapter)

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