Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 123 Who is Gu Nianci

Chapter 123 Who is Gu Nianci

Ye Qingqing opened her own, the head of the household was her name, and the back was blank.

She smiled and put the account book in her arms, but after thinking about it, she put the account book back.

In the past few days, Ye Zhiguo was handling the transfer of household registration, and would often bring out the household registration booklet. If she took away the household registration booklet, Ye Zhiguo would find out soon, and this would startle the snake.

Ye Zhiguo can't be alarmed yet, he has to think of a perfect plan.

Go ask Lu Mo tomorrow if he has a good solution.

Ye Qingqing sighed regretfully, opened Ye Zhiguo's household registration book again, flipped through it casually, was not very interested, and put it back. There are two marriage certificates, one is for Ye Zhiguo and Xu Yali, and the other is for him and Xu Yali. Shen Yanhong's.

In the photo, Xu Yali had short hair cut to the ears, with a dull expression and calm eyes, but Ye Zhiguo smiled happily and looked proud.

Ye Qingqing's eyes were warm, her mother was so young at that time, but she was obviously very unhappy, feeling like she was being forced.

Moreover, she is no longer the child she used to be, and she can tell at a glance that her mother doesn't like Ye Zhiguo at all.

Since she didn't like Ye Zhiguo, why did mother marry him?

And will often miss Ye Zhiguo?

The more Ye Qingqing thought about it, the more she couldn't understand, Ye Zhiguo was a contradictory body, but now she found that her mother Xu Yali was even more contradictory.

If only my mother was still there, you can ask her directly!

Ye Qingqing sighed and looked at the marriage certificate again. The date of marriage was December 1977, 12. She just glanced at it before closing the marriage certificate and preparing to put it back in the safe.

But suddenly her heart beat, she took out the marriage certificate again, and glanced again.

1977 12 Month 15 Day.

Ye Qingqing took out her household registration book, on which was her date of birth, July 1978, 7.

In other words, after mother and Ye Zhiguo got the certificate, she was born in less than eight months.

Lin Shufang said that she was born less than eight months old, which means that her mother already had her in her stomach when she got the certificate from Ye Zhiguo.

Could it be... Her mother married her son?

Marriage with a child is very common in later generations, but in the 70s, it was a big treason. If people found out, their saliva would drown them. No woman dared to commit crimes against the wind.

Reminiscent of Xu Yali's numbness on the marriage certificate photo, and her depression after marriage, Ye Qingqing had a guess.

Perhaps Ye Zhiguo used tricks to make Xu Yali pregnant. Under social pressure, Xu Yali had to marry Ye Zhiguo, so she and Ye Zhiguo respect each other like ice.

The more Ye Qingqing thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, and she felt as sick as if she had eaten a fly.

If this guess is true, then she is a product of coercion, what the hell has she become?

Ye Qingqing frowned, put the marriage certificate back, and took out the document. I don't know what it is, Ye Zhiguo is still in the safe.

The document is only a thin sheet of paper with a bright red seal on it.

Ye Qingqing looked at the date at the bottom first, October 1979, 10, after she was born.

The signature is the * Department of the People's Government of Pingjiang City (the specific department is not written).

Ye Qingqing restrained her doubts, and looked at the front of the document, which read 'Return Documents Regarding Gu Nianci's Property Confiscated'.

Who is Gu Nianci?

Ye Qingqing became more and more confused, it was the first time she heard this name, her heart was pounding again, Ye Qingqing's throat was a little dry, she had an intuition——

There must be a big secret in this document.

(End of this chapter)

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