Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 136 I just like stupid people

Chapter 136 I just like stupid people

Lu Mo felt the sadness in this girl, she was still making trouble just now, but she suddenly changed her mood, it happened before, smiling and smiling... This girl's head looks sad when she thinks of something.

I don't know what happened to this girl?

"make persistent efforts!"

Lu Mo didn't know how to comfort people. He was always very stupid, so he had to say such a sentence in a muffled voice, and he didn't think it was very pleasant.

Ye Qingqing didn't mind, she was no longer the Ye Qingqing she used to be, she didn't need sweet talk from men at all, and even felt a little disgusted.

She just likes Lu Mo's clumsy tongue.

No matter how beautiful the words are, it is better to do something for her with your heart.

"You said, who is Gu Nianci to me? He has nothing to do with my parents, how could he have something to do with me, how strange!" Ye Qingqing was at a loss.

Her immediate relatives are Xu Yali, Ye Zhiguo, and Ye Tong. When the property was returned, Ye Tong was not yet born, so it is understandable that they are not counted.

But both Ye Zhiguo and Xu Yali are still alive. If she is Gu Nianci's immediate relative, then there must be one of Ye Zhiguo and Xu Yali, right?

But it is not!

"There is one more thing that is strange. The time on my parents' marriage certificate is December 77, 12, and I was born on July 15, 78. They gave birth to me within eight months of their marriage. At that time Are you so open?"

Lu Mo's heart trembled, and he was full of calculations. It was only seven months and 21 days after Xu Yali and Ye Zhiguo received the certificates that Ye Qingqing was born.

In other words, when she received the certificate, Xu Yali probably already had Ye Qingqing in her stomach, and she was married with a child.

But Xu Yali doesn't like Ye Zhiguo, and her life after marriage is unhappy... Could it be?

Ye Qingqing looked around for no one, then lowered her head to Lu Mo's ear, and whispered, "Do you think my dad raped my mom had to marry my dad because she had me? So she That’s why I always cry secretly in the middle of the night.”

Lu Mo's heart beat faster, and Ye Qingqing's thoughts coincided with his.

If this conjecture is true, Ye Qingqing's premature birth and Xu Yali's misery after marriage would all be explained.

But now there is Gu Nianci, the appearance of this mysterious woman has cast a thick veil on Ye Qingqing's life experience, making it even more mysterious.


Lu Mo scolded, such a guess is too nasty, and he doesn't want it to be true at all.

Ye Qingqing sighed, "I also hope it's just wishful thinking, if that's the case, I'd be disgusted to death!"

Lu Mo stretched out his hand, wanting to comfort the girl, but he stretched out his hand in mid-air, then retracted it, and squeezed it tightly.

He has to restrain his heart.

Before your legs get better, you must keep your heart!

"It can't be true." Lu Mo said with certainty. In fact, he had another guess, but this guess was so absurd that he himself found it unbelievable.

But he will check. He has a few friends in the public security department. He can entrust his friends to check the relevant information from 18 years ago, and there must be records.

On the boulevard, I met Mrs. Sheng again. She was sitting in a wheelchair, and the wheelchair was parked under the plane tree. The breeze was blowing, and the cicadas were chirping. Although it was a little hot, it was still very cool.

The nanny Xiao Li held a small bowl in her hand, which was a soup stewed with black fish and dendrobium flowers, which added nutrition to the old lady.

"Old lady, take a few more sips, you vomited everything you ate in the morning." Xiao Li said.

(End of this chapter)

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