Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 15 Lu Mo is So Pretty

Chapter 15 Lu Mo is So Pretty

Ye Lan cried for a while, but no one paid any attention to her. She felt bored, so she found a reason and left, but no one kept her.

It was Ye Qingqing's grandfather who saved old man Lu, and he had nothing to do with Ye Lan. In the past, it was because of Ye Qingqing's face that he was polite to Ye Lan.

Besides, apart from Lu Qingquan, no one in the Lu family really likes Ye Lan. She walks around and talks like a mosquito, which makes her feel tired.

"I'm going to see Lu Moha..." Ye Qingqing couldn't stay still, she just wanted to see Lu Mo.

"Go, go..." Mr. Lu smiled and waved his hands.

Ye Qingqing ran away in a flash, and Lin Shufang asked her behind her: "Does Qingqing want ice cream? I'll bring it to you."

"I want a three-color cup, thank you, Aunt Fang!" Ye Qingqing replied loudly, and she had already reached the door of Lu Mo's room.

Because of Ye Qingqing's arrival, the originally heavy atmosphere in the Lu family suddenly became lighter. Everyone was infected by the confident Ye Qingqing, and felt that Lu Mo might really stand up again.

"Dad, Qingqing is right. We can't be discouraged. If western medicine doesn't work, we should go to Chinese medicine. We must find a way to make Lu Mo better." Lu Jianfeng expressed his attitude.

Lu Jianfeng's wife, Hao Aihua, is a very intellectual woman who speaks slowly and sounds very comfortable.

"I wrote an article on Chinese medicine some time ago, and interviewed an old Chinese doctor. I heard that he has a lot of research on bruises. How about I contact this old Chinese doctor!"

"'s hard for you to have a heart!" Mr. Lu was very pleased.

"Lu Mo is my nephew, Aihua and I certainly hope he gets better." Lu Jianfeng said.

Lu Jiangang expressed his attitude in a hurry, "I will also ask someone to find a famous Chinese medicine practitioner."

Mr. Lu glanced at Yue Hongxia who had a sullen expression, snorted softly, and said nothing.

Ye Qingqing knocked on the door and asked loudly, "Can I come in?"

Niu Tiedan also said loudly: "The door is not locked, just push it in!"

He felt his neck was a bit cold, but seeing Lu Mo's unfriendly eyes, he shrank his neck and said in a low voice, "We don't take off our clothes, and we don't need to lock the door."

Lu Mo's chest was a little stuffed, a kind of helplessness that chickens and ducks talked about.

Ye Qingqing opened the door and came in, smiled brightly at Lu Mo, moved a stool and sat opposite Lu Mo without needing to be greeted by the host, and said to Niu Tiedan: "I'm whispering to your captain, Tie Dan, please avoid it. "

Niu Tiedan was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that he nodded hurriedly, "Okay, I'll go outside to blow some air."

He reckoned that Ye Qingqing was going to kiss his captain, and it was really inappropriate for him to be there.

"Niu Tiedan, who told you to go!" Lu Mo coldly stopped Niu Tiedan who walked to the door.

Ye Qingqing rushed away, Niu Tiedan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Go, go, your captain left it to me, don't worry!"

"Hey... I'm leaving."

Niu Tiedan 1 don't worry, Ye Qingqing is a girl, and she can still mess with the captain, even if it's a kiss or something, it's his captain who takes advantage of it!

Lu Mo watched Niu Tiedan slip away and was filled with anger.

"Don't be angry, I won't eat you again." Ye Qingqing looked at him with a smile, she couldn't get enough of it, why didn't she realize that Lu Mo was so good-looking before?

She is hundreds of times prettier than Lu Qingquan, who has narrow eyebrows, flat nose and triangular eyes. She was really blind before!

Lu Mo was flustered by her look, he really didn't understand what Ye Qingqing wanted to do, he obviously ignored him before, but now he was suddenly so enthusiastic, he was so enthusiastic that he didn't know what to do.

"I don't need sympathy." Lu Mo's expression was indifferent.

Thank you Baby Doll for the reward of 1970 dot coins, thank Xianke for He Shibi, thank Wu Qianyu, Fenger 2017, Moments After the Rainbow, book friends 9567****[-] for the reward, thank you for all those who support me Babies, it's three o'clock today, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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