Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 163 The Jealous Lu Mo

Chapter 163 The Jealous Lu Mo

Ye Qingqing went to get a bowl by herself, filled a bowl of mung bean porridge, sat next to Lu Mo, and started to eat with a grunt. After eating several pieces of beef, she sighed contentedly.

"It can be regarded as eating meat... Amitabha!"

Ye Qingqing clasped his hands exaggeratedly, bowed several times in a row, amused old man Lu, and asked jokingly, "Your father doesn't give you meat?"

"My dad can't eat it. Now my grandma is the head of the house. I can only eat meat a day and night, and there are only ten yuan of such a big size. Me, my dad, and my grandma, each have two slices, and Xiaotong can get four slices. ..."

Ye Qingqing vividly described the chaos at home during the past three days. Grandpa Lu burst into tears, and Lu Mo's eyes were also full of smiles.

Tie Dan couldn't help but said: "My grandma is like this too. Every time I eat, I divide the buns according to the person's head. My mother, sister, sister, and my grandma only have one bun, my father, my brother, and me are three, and no one will eat it." Eat a lot."

"Can the three of you eat enough?" Ye Qingqing was a little skeptical.

Tie Dan's cow stomach, I'm afraid ten of them won't be enough to eat!

Tiedan shook his head, "I can't eat enough. I haven't had a full meal before work. I only got full after I went to work."

The reason why he does dangerous work is to have a full meal, even if he dies the next day, he is willing to be a full ghost!

Ye Qingqing sighed, picked up some slices of beef for Tie Dan, and patted him on the shoulder, "Eat, I'm full now, open your stomach and eat!"

"Hey... I'm full every day, and I've grown taller again!" Tiedan chewed a large piece of meat contentedly, feeling happy.

Ye Qingqing raised her hand to compare, both of them were sitting, Tie Dan was a head and a half taller than her, she couldn't help laughing and said: "You're really tall, you can definitely grow, have to change your name to Iron Tower in the future... …Ha ha ha ha……"

Tie Dan was also overjoyed, smiling foolishly, Ye Tong sitting next to him couldn't understand what they were talking about, but he was also happy, and by the way, he used his fat claws to grab a piece of beef from the Tie Dan bowl, Xiaopang's face was full of pride in stealing the food.

Mr. Lu narrowed his eyes with a smile. As soon as Qingqing girl came, there was constant laughter at home. Without this girl in the past three days, the house was muffled, and it was useless to stay there.

However, Lu Mo was upset, he took a piece of beef tendon and stuffed it into Tie Dan's mouth, and said coldly, "Eat more!"

The more I look at this kid, the more unpleasant I am, I really want to pack it up and return it to the unit!

Lin Shufang came out with bitter gourd scrambled eggs, smiling and happy, even in the kitchen, she could smell her son's vinegar smell, this child was obviously attracted to Qingqing, and he was so stubborn!

"When you come to eat meat here, don't talk back to your grandma!" Lin Shufang reminded Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing took a chopstick of bitter gourd eggs, ate it with big mouthfuls, and said with a smile: "I don't want to talk back to her. My grandma now makes Ye Lan and Ye Hua work every day, and she is also good to Xiao Tong. I like her before it's too late." .”

Lin Shufang saw through her small thoughts at a glance, couldn't help laughing, and silently sympathized with Shen Yanhong for three seconds.

After breakfast at the Lu's house, Ye Qingqing pushed Lu Mo to Wushan Road again, and took a look at the condition of the rabbit who had an operation three days ago before giving Lu Mo acupuncture.

Ye Qingqing was a little disappointed that she didn't see Mrs. Sheng on the side of the road today, she still wanted to teach Xiao Li how to massage again!

"I'll be there when I go back." Lu Mo could see what she was thinking.

"Well, let's go see the rabbit first, how does your leg feel?" Ye Qingqing asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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