Chapter 165 Invitation

"Then I'll push you!"

Anyway, the experiment can't be done, it's fine to stay at home, Ye Qingqing just pushed to the yard, the door was pushed open, Sang Huaiyuan walked in, saw them both, and greeted with a smile, "Hi, I'm Grandma Sheng's son, I often hear my mother talking about you, so I come over to say hello."

Although Sang Huaiyuan kept a low profile, he still made frequent appearances on TV, and his heroic appearance was often seen on the Pingjiang City News Network. Ye Qingqing couldn't help being stunned for a long time when he saw the real person.

That Mrs. Sang is indeed a descendant of the Sang family!

Lu Mo was also surprised, but he didn't show it. He smiled slightly, "Hello, Leader Sang!"

"Can I go in and sit for a while?" Sang Huaiyuan asked politely.

"Of course, it's just too simple." Lu Mobi made an inviting gesture.

Sang Huaiyuan walked in slowly, and he saw that Lu Mo's face was quite familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, until he approached Lu Mo, Sang Huaiyuan had an impression of it, and he was immediately in awe.

"Are you Lu Mo?"

"Yes, you know him?" Ye Qingqing was very surprised.

"Just call me Uncle Sang. Of course I know Lu Mo's heroic deeds. I didn't recognize it just now. I'm sorry!" Sang Huaiyuan felt very sorry. What he admired most was the unyielding and passionate man.

"That's my job duty!" Lu Mo was very calm.

At that time, what the bandits wanted to rob was the most precious property of the unit, even if they sacrificed their lives, they had to defend those properties.

Ye Qingqing found a small bench, feeling a little embarrassed, "Sang Ling..."

Seeing Sang Huaiyuan looking at her with dissatisfaction, she quickly changed her words, "Uncle Sang, sit down, there are no good stools here."

"This one is fine." Sang Huaiyuan sat down with his legs bent. There was a faint smell of blood in the room, and he also saw two cages of rabbits in the yard, one of which was splinted and locked up alone.

He quickly figured it out, and couldn't help asking: "Are you doing experiments here?"

"Well, I want to see if I can cure Lu Mo's leg." Ye Qingqing didn't hide anything, she had a good first impression of Sang Huaiyuan, like a kind elder, she was willing to talk to him about anything.

"You know medicine?" Sang Huaiyuan was even more surprised.

Ye Qingqing nodded, "I understand a little bit."

Sang Huaiyuan was very uneasy, he always felt that this little girl must not only know a little bit, but she dared to try to cure so many experts who had pronounced the death penalty on her leg, and her medical skills were probably extraordinary!

No wonder this little girl just massaged her casually, and her mother was able to eat!

Sang Huaiyuan was suddenly glad that he came, maybe there would be unexpected surprises!

"I heard from my mother that your massage is very powerful, and my mother has a great appetite." Sang Huaiyuan said with a smile.

Ye Qingqing said a few polite words, and then Sang Huaiyuan brought up the business, expressing that he wanted to ask her to give the old lady a massage, "1000 yuan a month, not necessarily every day, as long as you have time to accompany my mother, she is very happy like you."

" doesn't need money. I like Grandma Sheng very much, so I don't need money."

Ye Qingqing was taken aback, 1000 yuan was too much, she didn't want to earn money from the old lady.

But Sang Huaiyuan insisted on giving it, and in the end it was Lu Mo who made the decision, letting Ye Qingqing go to accompany Mrs. Sheng when she was free.

"Then I'll go over now, and borrow your home phone." Ye Qingqing said with a smile, saving him from having to look for a public phone booth in the heat.

It's still six o'clock today, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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