Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 167 The Girl in the Red Dress

Chapter 167 The Girl in the Red Dress

The old lady's complexion changed slightly, and her heart started pounding. Master Chang said that the little girl knows medicine. Did she see that there was something wrong with Huaiyuan's health?

"Girl, do you see that your Uncle San is ill?"

"No, I just think the physical examination is more reassuring. It's best not to be sick, and to prevent it early!" Ye Qingqing explained with a smile.

She was also not sure if Sang Huaiyuan had a heart problem now, if not, she would rashly say that he had a bad heart, and the Sang family would definitely be unhappy.

The old lady gave her a suspicious look, and didn't ask any more questions, but she kept things in her mind and planned to ask Sang Huaiyuan to go to the hospital for a physical examination in a few days.

Regardless of whether the girl really saw something or not, it is necessary to go for a physical examination. The girl is right, it is best not to be sick, and to treat illnesses early.

Lu Mo called He Weishao, "Ding Ba, do you still have contact?"

"Yes, what do you want him for?" He Weishao was very surprised.

"Ask him to do some private work in the afternoon. If you come to my house for dinner at noon, I will tell you about it."

"Okay, I just got some good deer tendon, and I asked your mother to cook it for you." He Weishao readily agreed, and he wanted to send the deer tendon over there.

Lu Mo hung up the phone and saw Ye Qingqing chatting happily with the old lady. Ye Qingqing was sitting next to the old lady, facing each other, and slightly bowed his waist. The picture was actually very harmonious, just like grandparents and grandchildren.

"I'll teach Sister Li to massage. I can only come here once a day, and I can't come out at night." Ye Qingqing was a little embarrassed.

"Don't go out at night, you are good-looking, there are many bad people outside, don't come out alone, I don't need to come here often, just come and see me when you have time." The old lady's expression became serious, and she repeatedly asked.


Ye Qingqing felt warm in her heart. She felt that the old lady was more like her grandmother than Grandma Ye. The old lady never cared about whether something would happen to her if she went out at night. The old lady only cared about how much meat she ate. How much to live.

It took more than an hour to teach Xiao Li, but the technique is still very unfamiliar.

"Just practice more." Ye Qingqing encouraged.

She intends to go back and look up the medical scriptures to see if there is any prescription for increasing resistance, and to prepare some for the old lady. In her previous life, she didn't know how long the old lady lived, but the current situation is not very good.

Ye Qingqing said goodbye and was about to push Lu Mo away. When she turned around, she saw a photo on the cabinet out of the corner of her eye. It was a beautiful girl in a red dress, sitting on the lawn, smiling at the camera.

The house behind the girl is exactly Sang's house, but the Sang's house in the photo looks newer, and although the age of the girl's dress cannot be seen, it is obvious that the photo is artificially dyed.

In the past, the photos were all black and white. In the Republic of China, a new profession appeared, called colorist.

Colorists artificially dye black-and-white photos. Skilled colorists can dye color photos just like real ones, lifelike, and average colorists can dye them like a big show, which is very funny.

The photo of the girl on the cabinet is obviously dyed by a senior colorist. The lawn, the background behind her, and even the flowers in the garden have been colored, and the blush on the girl's face can be seen. The most conspicuous thing is the girl's body The fiery red dress, against the backdrop of the girl's flowery smile, is more beautiful than a painting.

"Grandma Sheng, is this a photo of you when you were young?" Ye Qingqing couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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