Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 169 Envy, Jealousy, Hate

Chapter 169 Envy, Jealousy, Hate

"Qingqing is home, Wei Shao is having lunch at home, and I will make your favorite Xi Shi tofu." Lin Shufang smiled.

"Okay, my favorite is Auntie Fang's Xishi tofu, even big hotels can't make your taste." He Weishao praised graciously, coaxing Lin Shufang into a ecstasy, and happily went to the kitchen to cook.

Lu Mo glared at him, "Go to my room, I have something to tell you."

When this guy opens his mouth, ghosts can be coaxed into obediently, that's why He Weishao has never been short of women. Some women are really trying to get his money, or they are so coaxed by this guy that they want to be with him even if they pay for it. Son.

He Weishao followed Lu Mo to the room, pressed on his leg a few times, and asked with concern, "Are you feeling better?"

"I feel a little bit." Lu Mo did not hide from his friend.

Under Ye Qingqing's massage and acupuncture, her legs can already feel the temperature, unlike before, it was cold on a hot day, like a snake.

He Weishao was overjoyed, "It's a good thing to have a feeling. Does your little daughter-in-law have some skills? Is there anything missing? Tell me what you want. As long as it's not an airplane, cannon, atomic bomb, I can definitely get it for you!"

He Weishao was very clear about Ye Qingqing treating Lu Mo's leg. He got all the surgical equipment. He Weishao didn't expect Ye Qingqing to be capable, so he was very surprised, but he was really happy for his friend.

"I don't need it for the time being, but the deer will live in the future, so you have to figure out a way." Lu Mo was not polite.

"Don't worry, I've already contacted a deer farm. There are as many deer as you want, oh... Lu Mo, you are really lucky. Baby parents can pick such a good wife. She is affectionate and righteous, and she is even more beautiful than you." Being so young... Tsk tsk, why am I not so lucky!"

He Weishao looked at his friend enviously and enviously. He had been flying among the flowers all year round, but he couldn't pick a flower that he liked, but Lu Mo, with his coffin face, had ordered a good wife since he was a child.

It's really annoying to compare people to people!

Color flashed in Lu Mo's eyes. In the past, He Weishao always said that he didn't understand style and would definitely be a bachelor for the rest of his life. is it now?

It's not the same to envy him!

Lu Mo didn't realize that his mentality and thoughts had changed unconsciously, and he acquiesced in the existence of Ye Qingqing.

He Weishao caught Lu Mo's complacency, and snorted angrily, "Why did you ask me? If you fart, hurry up, I have a date in the afternoon."

I went to HK some time ago, and met a new local girl from Hong Kong. She has a hot body, fashionable clothes, and a European and American style. He Weishao was deeply attracted, and he was going to seek a qualitative breakthrough with this HK lady.

"You asked Ding Ba to go to the Public Security Bureau to do some private work in the afternoon..."

Lu Mo took out the photos of Ye Zhiguo and Ye Qingqing from the drawer. He planned to steal Ye Zhiguo's household registration book, and then let Ye Qingqing hurry up to apply for an ID card.

In this way, even if Ye Zhiguo reports the loss of the household registration booklet, Ye Qingqing still has an old household registration booklet and ID card in his hand, so he doesn't have to be threatened by Ye Zhiguo when doing business.

"This is your little daughter-in-law? have been blessed for several lifetimes, such a beautiful girl..." He Weishao looked at Ye Qingqing who was laughing brightly in the photo, and his stomach Start bubbling sour.

At first I thought that Ye Qingqing was pretty and clean at most, but I never expected her to be the most beautiful woman in the world. With his eyesight of countless women, it can be said with certainty that if the little girl in the photo grows...

Absolutely an unparalleled beauty in this world!

People in Shaoxing should know what Xishi tofu is. It is a very delicious dish. I introduced it in detail in the book after the [-]s. I will say it again here. The broth is duck soup or chicken soup. Fungus, green garlic, shiitake mushrooms, cut into cubes, stir-fry in oil, then add tofu, smash the tofu into pieces, add seasoning and broth, add starch paste after boiling, after boiling, it will be Xi Shi tofu, with a color and fragrance A well-rounded dish, especially delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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