Chapter 171

"Dad, I want to apply for an ID card, so let me do it later." Ye Qingqing sat on the back seat of Ye Zhiguo's motorcycle and said loudly.

She is now 17 years old and can apply for an ID card.

With an ID card, it will be much more convenient for her to do things, such as applying for a bank card to buy a house, etc., she can do things quietly without letting Ye Zhiguo know.

"Dad only took an hour off, and it's too late to do it. I'll do it later when I have time!" Ye Zhiguo pleaded that he didn't have time.

Within three years, he would never let Ye Qingqing apply for an ID card, nor would he let her escape from his grasp.

"You don't need to do it, you can give me the account book in a while, and I will do it myself." Ye Qingqing continued to lobby without giving up.

"You little girl can't do it. I will take time to accompany you to do it. Now that you are still young, you don't need an ID card..." Ye Zhiguo persuaded patiently.

Ye Qingqing felt irritable, and said in a bad mood: "Our classmates all have ID cards, but I don't have one. How can I not handle such a trivial matter? Dad, give me the household registration book. I haven't read it yet. What about my account book!"

Ye Zhiguo's face became gloomy, with impatience in his eyes, Ye Qingqing has become more and more difficult to coax recently, it would be great if he was still as stupid as before.

"I'll show you in a while, you kid, what's so interesting about the household registration book... Dad is riding a bike now, Qingqing, don't make trouble, I'll show you the household registration booklet when we get to the Public Security Bureau."

Ye Zhiguo avoided the important and ignored the minor, cleverly diverted the matter of the ID card, and only agreed to let Ye Qingqing look at the household registration booklet.

Ye Qingqing's heart sank, and her doubts about Ye Zhiguo deepened. Guarding against her was like guarding against thieves. How could this be like what her biological father did?

She didn't mention the ID card anymore, and there would be no result if she mentioned it again. Ye Zhiguo would definitely not agree, and she had to find another way.

The Public Security Bureau soon arrived, and Ye Qingqing jumped out of the car. She wore a sun hat of the same color as her skirt, but she was still dizzy from the white sun. She trotted to the shade and waited for Ye Zhiguo to park in the carport.

She didn't know that in the alley opposite the Public Security Bureau, He Weishao, Lu Mo, and another young man with a handsome appearance and talent were looking at her furtively.

Lu Mo thought and thought, but he was still worried, so he asked He Weishao to bring him over and watch him in person.

"Oh... this little girl is terrible, this figure, this appearance, this skin... It's a disaster for the country and the city!" The talented young man swallowed uncontrollably, his eyes straightened.

Lu Mo was so angry that he slapped the man on the back, and said coldly: "Don't just practice your words in the past few years, your hand skills have fallen behind."

Those dog eyes... I really want to dig them out!

He Weishao also wanted to dig.

These two guys are not good things!

The handsome young man is Ding Ba, with fair skin, beautiful appearance and personable demeanor, he is definitely the prettiest of the three, just like a young boy.

Ding Ba squinted at Lu Mo, who was sour and bubbling all over his body, winked at He Weishao, and said with a smile on his face, "You'll be jealous if you say a few words, you're so small-minded, tsk!"

He Weishao also giggled and said: "I just discovered that this kid is narrow-minded, and he sees people's hearts after a long time!"

Lu Mo rolled his eyes at the two of them. He pointed to Ye Zhiguo who had parked the car, and said, "When he signs, you can get the household registration book in his bag, right?"

Ding Ba looked calm, and said to himself: "No problem, you just want your little daughter-in-law's little nei nei, I can get it!"

Thank you for appreciating the 1000 rewards of Li Meimei, thank you, for your reward, thank you dears

(End of this chapter)

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