Chapter 175

Ding Ba curled his lips, turned his head and whispered to He Weishao, "My mind is getting smaller and smaller, I am a principled person, why should I be so defensive?"

He Weishao glanced at him, gritted his teeth and said, "As for!"

When it comes to picking up girls, He Weishao is willing to take the second place, and of course Ding Ba is the first, he is willing to bow down.

He still has to spend money and time to pick up girls, there are always one or two out of ten, but Ding Ba is different, this guy has no defeat so far.

And those girls are like taking medicine, they are so devoted to Ding Ba, they are even willing to serve a husband with other women and live in peace, it's like being possessed by a real mother!

He Weishao made up his mind a long time ago, when he gets married, he will never introduce his wife to Ding Ba, so be careful.

Ding Ba rolled his eyes and snorted, but his face was full of complacency.

I am born to be useful, and I will sleep with a woman if all my money is gone!

People live their whole life to try to be free and easy, why do you wrong yourself!

Ye Qingqing opened the account book, she was the head of the household, Ye Tong's name was added at the back, the steel stamp was still fresh!

"You keep this account book yourself. Even if your father reports the loss and gets a new account book, the old one will still work," Lu Mo said.

"Well...I'm going to apply for an ID card now." Ye Qingqing nodded vigorously, extremely happy, she looked at Lu Mo gratefully, "Thank you!"

Lu Mo didn't dare to look directly into the girl's bright and hot eyes, so he hurriedly turned his head away, and said in a muffled voice, "You're welcome!"

Both Ding Ba and He Weishao couldn't stand it anymore, and the other girls stretched out their enthusiastic hands, why are you so fucking hypocritical!

"Lu Mo, why don't you introduce us?" He Weishao said with a smile.

"These two are my friends, He Weishao and Ding Ba." Lu Mo briefly introduced, reluctantly.

He Weishao pulled Lu Mo's wheelchair away with one hand, squeezed in front of him, and stretched out his hand to Ye Qingqing with enthusiasm, "I'm He Weishao, you can call me Viagra, my father is He Shouxiang from Yimintang, I've heard it before." My dad talked about you, he was full of praise for you..."

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look at He Weishao, and sure enough, he was somewhat similar to Manager He.

"Manager He took good care of me. It's all about Wei... brother, thank you for your face." Ye Qingqing shook hands with He Weishao, the corners of his mouth twitched, trying not to laugh out loud.

Viagra...what a nice name.

Lu Mo's pupils shrunk slightly, and Ye Qingqing's tender white hands were held together with He Weishao's black and yellow claws. No matter how he looked at them, he felt dazzling. He stretched out his hand without thinking, trying to pull those eyes-obscuring claws off.

What is the intention of always holding on?

Ding Ba flashed up, the smile on his face was more enthusiastic than that of He Weishao, he pushed He Weishao away with his ass, and stretched out his hand, "I'm Ding Ba, you can call me starling, if there are any disputes in the world, just come to me , I’m not bragging, ordinary trivial matters are basically fine.”

"This is my business card with my contact information on it."

Ding Ba took out a bronzing business card from his jacket pocket, and handed it to Ye Qingqing with both hands.

Ye Qingqing was flattered, it was the first time someone introduced herself so solemnly, she didn't dare to neglect, and took the business card with both hands.

Ding Ba, general manager of Guose Tianxiang Club.

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, the beauty of the country is heavenly... This is not a simple club, it is equivalent to a paradise on earth in the capital in Pingjiang City!

I didn't expect that Lu Mo would deal with people like Ding Ba. It was really unexpected. I thought he was a meticulous and stereotyped person!

(End of this chapter)

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