Chapter 183

In Ye Lan's mouth, she will always be the wronged Cinderella, while Ye Qingqing... is the vicious step-sister, who beats and scolds her, does not have enough food and clothing... Lives worse than Cinderella Still miserable.

Anyone with a little brain would not believe such an exaggerated plot, but Lu Qingquan believed it very much. He felt pity for Ye Lan and hated Ye Qingqing.

But for the sake of wealth, Lu Qingquan had to make false claims with a vicious woman like Ye Qingqing, and Ye Lan, in order to fulfill his great cause, willingly endured Ye Qingqing's abuse, and stayed by Ye Qingqing's side to inquire about news.

Lu Qingquan has both pity and appreciation for Ye Lan, such a girl who understands righteousness is worthy of him!

These two are self-motivated, self-pitying, and self-comforting...

The real mother is a dog man and woman made in heaven!

The more Ye Lan spoke, the more wronged she became, tears streaming down her face, she really didn't lie this time, her body really hurt.

Recently, when I woke up in the morning, my body was in pain, especially my legs. I always felt that something was wrong, but she checked and found no wounds on her body or legs. This made Ye Lan even more worried, fearing that her condition would worsen.

Hearing the sobbing sound on the phone, Lu Qingquan's heart was clenched. Lan'er must have been bullied by that vicious woman Ye Qingqing during the twenty days he was away!

"Lan'er, don't cry. If you bear it any longer, explain the matter clearly. Why did Ye Qingqing get back with Lu Mo all of a sudden?" Lu Qingquan frowned.

Although he and Lu Mo are cousins, they don't look alike. Lu Mo's sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes are imposing, and his skin is a bronze color that is very popular in later generations because of years of training. In addition, Lu Mo's expressionless face all year round makes him handsome. The appearance is greatly reduced.

Lu Qingquan is fair-skinned and handsome, with the feeling of a creamy niche. Of course, he is not as good as Ding Ba at 01:30, but Lu Qingquan always has a smile on his face and is eloquent. He is still very popular in the work unit. welcome.

Especially girls, they like Lu Qingquan more, but he is half a head shorter than Lu Mo, only 175 centimeters.

And because Yue Hongxia felt sorry for her son and refused to let Lu Qingquan practice martial arts with the old man, Lu Qingquan's body was not as strong as Lu Mo's, his muscles were not as well-proportioned as Lu Mo's, and his physical fitness was even worse.

After Ye Qingqing was reborn, she thought deeply about it. She felt that she was indeed blind. Lu Qingquan's eyebrows were very close together. A person with narrow eyebrows is narrow-minded and will seek revenge.

Moreover, Lu Qingquan's lips are extremely thin, and there is a saying in the photo book: Men with thin lips are ruthless.

This sentence couldn't be more correct, isn't Lu Qingquan just a ruthless, narrow-minded villain!

Ye Lan stopped crying, and told the story of Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo in detail, and said worriedly: "Your family has moved out of the compound, and Ye Qingqing is unwilling to take me to the compound, and I don't want to be alone. Well, I don't know what happened to Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo."

Lu Qingquan frowned. He just came back from training today, and he hasn't called his family yet. He didn't expect his family to move out of the compound.

Speaking of which, he is still a little grateful to Lu Mo, because Lu Mo's achievements have led to his rising status in the unit. For training like this time, he was not in his turn at first, and he was added later.

Lu Qingquan has inquired about it. This training is very important. Players with outstanding performance will be selected from them, and then they will be screened for the second and third times, and the winners will be able to enter the middle level.

If it weren't for Lu Mo's injury, he wouldn't even be eligible for the primary election.

Some relatives asked why there are only three shifts. Let me explain here, because it is a free period now, and there is no recommendation, only three shifts. After going to PK, there will definitely be more. Plus, it is the Chinese New Year, and the children are also on vacation. Every day I am very busy, and the time for coding has been greatly reduced, so please be considerate, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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