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Chapter 190 The Reborn Handkerchief

Chapter 190 The Reborn Handkerchief

"Which school did you contact?" the old lady asked.

"Anqier School, I heard that there are professional teachers there who can teach children like Xiaotong to learn life skills." Ye Qingqing replied.

The old lady was thoughtful, and didn't talk about borrowing money. This girl definitely won't ask for money, so she should think of other ways!


The old lady looked at Ye Tong who was drinking the mung bean soup with relish, swallowed involuntarily, and screamed in her stomach, she was stunned.

She hasn't experienced the feeling of being hungry for a long time!

"Xiao Li, serve me some mung bean soup, I'm hungry!" the old lady said happily. Does it mean that her stomach is recovering slowly if she feels hungry?


Xiao Li was even happier. He trotted to the kitchen, filled half a bowl of warm mung bean soup, and fed half a spoonful first. The old lady drank it in one gulp. I took a tablespoon and ate it all.

"good to eat……"

The old lady ate several mouthfuls in a row, and the speed was not slow. After a while, half a bowl of mung bean soup bottomed out.

"One more bowl is not enough"

The old lady was a little dissatisfied, no matter how small it was, it was not enough to fit between the teeth!

Xiao Li didn't even blink his eyes, and asked in a low voice after a long time: "Old lady, are you not feeling bad?"

I don't want to vomit even after eating half a bowl, and today's massage hasn't even started yet!

"It's not uncomfortable... Hey... Why I don't want to vomit..." The old lady also noticed it, and she was pleasantly surprised, but she quickly figured it out, and looked at Ye Qingqing gratefully, "It's the effect of your pills that made me feel sick." It will take effect after eating, it is simply a magic pill..."

Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "It's not entirely due to my pills, it means that Grandma Sheng is gradually improving, even if you don't take my pills, you will recover by yourself."

"It's your credit!"

The old lady gave Ye Qingqing a look, her heart was like a bright mirror, she vomited after drinking some soup a few days ago, since Qingqing gave her a massage and then dispensed medicine, her appetite improved day by day, and her spirit became much stronger.

Ye Qingqing smiled and said nothing, and she was also very happy in her heart, which meant that she had finished dispensing the medicine for the first time, and the effect was excellent!

After Ye Tong finished drinking the mung bean soup, Ye Qingqing bid farewell to the old lady, and took Ye Tong back to Lu Mo's place. As for the grasshopper that kept screaming, she left it to the old lady who was still childlike.

Of course, Ye Tong's consent was sought, and the old lady was very happy, hugging the cage and listening to the crowing of the grasshopper.

Tie Dan was waiting at home. Seeing them coming back, he grabbed Ye Tong and went out, "Let's go catch bugs, let's go!"

Don't disturb the battalion commander and his sister-in-law making out!

Only Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo were left in the room.

"Here... return the handkerchief to you, is it clean?" Ye Qingqing took out a neatly folded handkerchief from his pocket, it was the one that Lu Mo wiped her blood some time ago.

She soaped it six times, rubbed it for half an hour, and washed it ten times with water. After drying, she folded it neatly, pressed it under the pillow for three days, and then sprinkled a few drops of toilet water.

Lu Mo almost didn't recognize it. His handkerchief looked as if it had been re-introduced. It was as square as a block of tofu, without any wrinkles, and there was a strong fragrance wafting through it.


Lu Mo couldn't help but sneezed loudly, and quickly covered his nose with his hands. Did this girl pour half a bottle of toilet water?

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(End of this chapter)

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