Chapter 192

The air calmed down, but Lu Mo's heart flustered, and he jumped more and more happily. He didn't dare to look at Ye Qingqing on his lap again, for fear that he would make inappropriate actions.

"The rabbit is about to run out!" Lu Mo said in a muffled voice.

Ye Qingqing was so angry that she bit the most fleshy part of Lu Mo's palm, leaving two rows of small teeth marks on the upper and lower sides. Then she got up, glared bitterly, and went out to catch rabbits.

Unbelievable wood!

Sooner or later, she will let Lu Mo beg for mercy, hum!

Lu Mo gently stroked the tooth marks on his palm, and there were blood marks. This girl is definitely a dog, and she would bite people at every turn. He raised his lips slightly, smiling indulgently and helplessly.

"Catch rabbits before you come out, hurry up!" Ye Qingqing yelled outside.

Lu Mo laughed again, and pushed the wheelchair out, a stone was enough, Ye Qingqing hugged the fat rabbit in her arms, carefully checked the injured leg, and made sure that it was really healed, before letting go of her heart.

"I'll buy a few more rabbits and do it a few more times. If I succeed every time, I'll perform an operation on you." Ye Qingqing thought of a safe solution.

Of course Lu Mo has no objection, as long as his legs are good, he can wait as long as he wants.

Ye Qingqing compared her fingers and calculated, "The rabbit's operation cycle is ten days. If it goes well, I will perform the operation on you. Your recovery from the operation plus the rehabilitation time will take at least one year..."

Lu Mo was overjoyed, one year was much shorter than he expected!

"Even if it takes longer, it's fine, as long as the legs can recover." Lu Mo worried that Ye Qingqing was under too much pressure, so he pretended not to care.

"Don't worry, at most one year, I will definitely let you go back, trust me!" Ye Qingqing was full of confidence.

According to the medical scriptures, the general's recovery time is one year. If she massages Lu Mo every day to speed up the recovery of muscles and nerves, the recovery time should be shortened.

"I believe you!"

Lu Mo nodded solemnly, he believed in Ye Qingqing.

No matter what the girl said, he would believe it.

When he was most helpless, when everyone, including grandpa and mother, and himself, felt that his legs were hopeless, only this girl vowed that he would stand up again.

Why doesn't he believe it?

Ye Qingqing smiled happily, brighter than the sun outside the house, she patted Lu Mo on the shoulder vigorously, and said loudly: "Anyway, after you get married, you have to listen to me, you are the master of big things, small things and money are all up to me." Make the decision, remember it!"

Lu Mo's face became hot, the tips of his ears became hot, and his heart would pop out of his throat at any moment.


This girl actually talked about getting married?

But why can't you get married?

He and Ye Qingqing are a legally married couple, if his legs get better, wouldn't it be a matter of course to marry Ye Qingqing?

But... does this girl really not like Lu Qingquan anymore?

Thinking of the intimacy between Ye Qingqing and Lu Qingquan in the past, as well as the ignorance of him, Lu Mo felt a prick in his heart, and began to hesitate again, which showed on his face unknowingly.

Ye Qingqing became furious immediately, and slapped her again, shouting: "You don't want to marry me?"

She put her hands on her hips and glared at Lu Mo viciously with the attitude of'do you dare not marry my old lady to kill you'.

The corners of Lu Mo's lips twitched slightly, and inexplicably thought of an idiom-Hedong Lion's Roar, which is really similar.

"You are not of marriageable age!" Lu Mo pointed out the real problem.

Even if he wants to marry now, the law does not allow it.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes and leaned closer to Lu Mo's face. The distance between them was less than five centimeters, and they could feel each other's breath.

(End of this chapter)

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