Chapter 195

Lu Mo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "We'd better contact you when your leg is better!"

He will not let the rumors out before the matter is not successful. If he can say it, he must be [-]% sure.

Although the operation on the rabbit was very successful, the structure of the rabbit's leg is very different from that of a human's leg, and no one can guarantee the success of the operation 100%, not even the top surgeon.

So...whether his leg will recover is still unknown.

Ye Qingqing wasn't surprised. Lu Mo had such an upright character, and he couldn't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in his eyes. He certainly wouldn't let the news leak before his legs fully recovered.

She had to find another way.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, and soon came to an idea. Far water could not quench her near thirst. Ding Ba and He Weishao didn't know much about the unit, so she might not be in a hurry to find them. She should go to Tie Dan first.

Even if Tie Dan is just an ordinary employee, but he is in the same unit as Lu Mo, so he must know what to do!

Ye Qingqing made up her mind, her mood became brighter, and she pushed Lu Mo back to Lu's house. Neither she nor Lu Mo told the good news about the success of the operation. do not know.

I just want to give them a big surprise in the future.

Lin Shufang was preparing lunch, Tie Dan and Ye Tong hadn't come back yet, Ye Qingqing was bored watching TV, and Lu Mo went back to his room, not knowing what he was doing.

The phone rang, Ye Qingqing ran to answer the phone, just said 'Hello', and immediately felt as disgusted as eating a fly.

It was Lu Qingquan who called.

Ye Qingqing can't wait for a scumbag who can be hacked into pieces.

The voice was as clear and bright as ever, but Ye Qingqing only felt chills. She had already tasted how sinister and cruel this man was in her previous life!

"Qingqing... so you are at my house, I haven't called you for a long time, how are you doing?" Lu Qingquan pretended to be surprised, but in fact he called Ye's house first, and then called back.

"This is Grandpa Lu's house, yours has already moved out." Ye Qingqing said coldly.

This family is stinky and shameless, it is obviously Grandpa Lu's house.

Lu Qingquan was stunned for a moment, he didn't take Ye Lan's words seriously, he felt that Ye Lan was exaggerating, Ye Qingqing, an idiot, was devoted to him, as long as he hooked his fingers, Ye Qingqing would obediently run over.

That's why it took Lu Qingquan three days to call. He didn't take Ye Qingqing seriously at all, thinking that even if he didn't call every other year, Ye Qingqing would still stand there and wait.

but now……

Lu Qingquan sensed something was wrong, Ye Qingqing's tone was very strange, but he didn't realize the danger yet, he thought Ye Qingqing was playing with his temper, because he had disappeared suddenly for nearly a month.

"It's fine to move out. Lu Mo's leg is injured and he needs to rest. Too many people in the family will disturb him." Lu Qingquan's hypocritical appearance made Ye Qingqing want to vomit. What the hell is the egg trying to say!

"Qingqing, it's not that I don't want to call you, it's because I suddenly received an emergency notice, and I just came back after going out for training, and even my parents don't know about it, good... don't be angry, I will call you as soon as I come back, I didn't even take a shower!"

Lu Qingquan's tone was doting, Ye Qingqing used to only feel happy and content, but now...she just wants to vomit, and even more wants to crawl over the phone line and kill this scumbag!

He obviously came back three days ago, and even called Ye Lan, hum...coax her like a fool!

But in the past, she was indeed a big fool, but in the future... Lu Qingquan can't fool her again!

(End of this chapter)

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