Chapter 20

Ye Qingqing looked at the Xu family's medical classics in her hand, her eyes were full of smiles, as long as she learned the medical skills well, she could heal Lu Mo's legs, and Lu Mo would be able to gallop on the battlefield again and fulfill his uncompetitive revenge.

"Is this the only one?" Ye Qingqing asked curiously, Pippi was flying slowly above her head, and others seemed to be just an ordinary bird.

"Of course it's more than that, let's get through this book first." Pippi can communicate with Ye Qingqing with his heart, and outsiders can only hear it chirping.

"Okay... I'll watch it when I get back."

Ye Qingqing nodded vigorously, full of confidence.

She is actually not stupid, and her academic performance is above average in her class, but later on, because she was disturbed by Lu Qingquan, she didn't care about going to school at all, her grades plummeted, and she didn't even get into the worst university.

At that time, Ye Qingqing was only focused on Lu Qingquan, she didn't care about whether she got into university or not, she even thought it would be better not to go to school, so that she could be with Lu Qingquan for a long time.

But Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong never cared about her studies, and even said that she was fine if she didn't work, and they would support her for the rest of her life.

In her previous life, she felt that her father and stepmother were so kind to her, and she also thought that she was the little princess of the family.

But after dying once, Ye Qingqing figured it out.

In the previous life, Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong followed her in everything, even if she did something wrong, they never blamed her, only said that others were wrong, and let Ye Lan and Ye Hua let her go.

At home, she insists on one thing, and no one dares to oppose her.

Outside, if she quarrels with others, nine out of ten she is at fault, but whether it is Ye Zhiguo or Shen Yanhong, they are very protective, and even go to other people's homes to argue.

Whenever this time, Ye Qingqing would be very proud, because the behavior of her father and stepmother made her feel very proud.

But she didn't realize that she was gradually isolated by her classmates and friends.

No one wants to play with her, instead they will play with Ye Lan who was ignored before, as well as her younger brother Ye Tong, who is always bullied outside.

But at that time, she was so focused on Lu Qingquan that she didn't notice all this, and Ye Tong didn't know that she was being bullied, so she only cared about her younger brother when she thought about it.

Hatred welled up in Ye Qingqing's heart, towards Lu Qingquan and Ye Lan, also towards Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong, and even towards herself!


I couldn't help but slapped my face again.

Only in this way can she feel better.

"Hey... spanking yourself is useful, if you're really ambitious, learn how to do it!" Pippi sneered on the top of his head.

Although the words are not pleasant, they are reasonable.

Ye Qingqing swore secretly that in this life, she will live like a human being!

There are also many unsolved mysteries in the previous life to be found out.

It is reasonable for Shen Yanhong to want to kill her because there is no blood relationship.

But what is Ye Zhiguo doing for?

How can I say that she and Xiao Tong are both his biological children!

Could it be that Ye Zhiguo really disregarded a little bit of family affection for that little property?

Ye Qingqing gritted her teeth, with so many enemies, Ye Zhiguo was the one that bothered her the most.

No matter what, she will definitely not be praised again in this life. First of all, she should go to school well. She is a sophomore in high school, and her grades are already on the decline. Learning to make up for it.

In her previous life, Lin Shufang had persuaded her to go to school more than once, but she couldn't listen to it, and felt that Lin Shufang was too annoying.

Only now did she understand who was the one who was sincere to her!

But the kind Lin Shufang died inexplicably in her previous life, she must protect Aunt Fang well in this life!

Kid got hurt at school, sorry for the delay

(End of this chapter)

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