Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2239 Little fat girl becomes a strong woman

Chapter 2239 Little fat girl becomes a strong woman

"Okay, which store are you at?" Ye Qingqing asked cheerfully.

The sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice balls made of glutinous rice balls are the most delicious. They are fragrant, sweet and glutinous, but they are suitable for boiled sugar water.

"At the main store, my dad went to inspect the branch below today. I'm here at the main store. Oh...I won't tell you. You come over later, and there are two more tables of guests. I'll arrange them."

Tang Yuanyuan hung up the phone in a hurry, Ye Qingqing smiled and put away her phone, now Tang Yuanyuan is shrewd and capable, with the posture of a strong woman, she is not like the obsequious little chubby girl in the past.

She bought five catties of Yuanxiao dumplings, which are not hand-wrapped, but made by machines. A huge pot is equipped with an electric motor, which can make the pot rotate at a constant speed, and then pour half-wet glutinous rice flour, and small Finger-sized bean paste fillings, filled with semi-moist glutinous rice flour, slowly rolled into balls, getting bigger and bigger, about the size of a ping-pong ball.

This kind of dumpling is suitable for frying, it tastes a bit like glutinous rice cake, it will get greasy if you eat too much, but both Wuchen and Xiaotong like it, so Ye Qingqing bought more.

Five catties of glutinous rice dumplings in a big bag, she put it into the space, and rode to the Baiweiju of Tangyuanyuan, which is now the leading Hangbang cuisine restaurant in Pingjiang City. Many tourists from other places will come to eat, plus the local There is no room for regular customers in one restaurant. In less than a year, Papa Tang has opened three branches. He visits the branches every once in a while to ensure the quality of the dishes.

The father and daughter are so busy that they don't touch the ground. Others are resting during the Chinese New Year. They are busier than usual. Tang Yuanyuan originally wanted to go to the country of Wo to play together, but she couldn't bear to let her father do it alone, so she stayed.

Ye Qingqing took out a gift for Tang Yuanyuan from the space, it was a set of exquisite ceramic tableware, Tang Yuanyuan didn't like cosmetics and jewellery, and preferred to collect tableware.

Both the lobby and private rooms of Baiweiju were crowded with people, and the air was filled with the smell of vegetables. There was not enough manpower in the back, so Tang Yuanyuan cooked the kitchen herself, and was very busy.

Ye Qingqing shook her head, it's not a problem if things go on like this, what should I do when school starts, I can't let Tang Yuanyuan drop out of school and come back to help, right? Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a small flexible body, a young boy with an immature face, about eight or nine years old , helping to clean up the table, the movements are still very quick and methodical.

This little boy is Yu Changbai, Tang Yuanyuan's half-brother, whose little finger was cut off by his sister. Although it was connected, but because of the long time interval, the finger was deformed and not as flexible as normal.

"Changbai, why are you here to work?" Ye Qingqing waved to him.

The little boy lined up a stack of plates, and he grinned when he saw Ye Qingqing, but he still walked steadily, and walked over slowly, "Sister Qingqing, my sister is in the back kitchen, I'll call her."

"No, give me the plate, be careful not to drop your hand."

Ye Qingqing snatched the plate, although Yu Changbai was very stable, but she still trembled when she saw it, she was always worried that the plate would fall, breaking the plate is a trivial matter, getting hurt is not worth it.

"I've done it many times, and I didn't fall once. I'm already a man, and I can do a lot of work." Yu Changbai murmured in disbelief, trying to prove that he had grown up.

Ye Qingqing shuddered on his forehead, "I want to be a man when I was only eight years old, and I will say this in ten years. Now your task is to study hard, and after you have learned the skills, you will help Uncle Tang and sister, and everything else will be done." Don't think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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