Chapter 2243

"Hurry up and go back. Your main task now is to study. It's not your turn to do these jobs. I'll help your uncle and sister when you grow up." Ye Qingqing persuaded with a smile. Seeing that Yu Changbai was still a little unconvinced, I couldn't help but move in my heart, and I had a brilliant idea.

"Are you trying to make money?"

Ye Qingqing winked and asked in a low voice.

Yu Changbai blushed, and lowered his head in embarrassment. Ye Qingqing understood it at a glance, and she guessed it right. Although Tang Yuanyuan and his daughter were really kind to this child, most smart children are sensitive, especially Yu Changbai's. The situation was more complicated. He knew that his parents were sorry for Father Tang and Tang Yuanyuan's father and daughter, so he felt very guilty and wanted to do something to atone for his parents.

And working is the best way to atone.

Ye Qingqing patted the little guy's head lightly, hoping that he won't be crooked when he grows up, otherwise he would really let down the sincerity of Tang Yuanyuan's father and daughter.

"My sister gave you a chance to make money, do you want to do it?" Ye Qingqing threw out the bait.

Yu Changbai was moved, but felt that Ye Qingqing felt sorry for him, so he wanted to refuse, Ye Qingqing said: "Don't think that this money is easy to earn, it is very difficult, and ordinary people can't earn it."

"I'm sure I can earn it. Sister Qingqing, tell me, what kind of work?"

After all, it was a child, who was immediately hit by the aggressive method, and puffed up his cheeks in disbelief.

Ye Qingqing smiled slyly, "It's not Wuchen from my family. She is also in the third grade, but her grades are a mess. The combined score of the three subjects is only 72 points. Even your grade in one subject is not as good as yours. I am so worried."

Sighing heavily, Ye Qingqing's mood suddenly turned bad. Yu Changbai's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ears. The total score of the three subjects was only 72. How did he get it?

He thinks this is more difficult than taking a [-]% test!

"As long as you can help Wuchen improve his grades, I will give you a salary. You will be rewarded with 100 yuan for 1000 points in a single subject, and [-] yuan for [-] points in the test. How about it?" Ye Qingqing proposed a cake with a thick coating The cream exudes an attractive fragrance.

Yu Changbai swallowed hard, his brain was running fast, 72 divided by three, the average score is 24, 100 yuan for 1000 points, 3000 yuan for [-] points, obviously [-] points is more cost-effective, the three subjects add up to [-] yuan, okay A huge sum of money.

"Okay, I'm going to teach Wuchen now."

Yu Changbai agreed without hesitation, since such a big piece of cake is in front of him, no idiot would eat it.

The most important thing is that he feels that studying is the easiest thing in the world, easier than eating and drinking. Those who do not study well just don’t have the correct learning method. When he teaches Wuchen to master the correct method, 3000 yuan will be enough for him. Here we go!

Then he can buy gifts for his uncle and sister, and use the money he earns to buy gifts. He will be happy when he thinks about it, and he also thinks that when he goes to see his mother in prison next time, he can buy some fruit and food, and use Uncle Tang and sister's money , he would feel very uneasy, after all, his mother caused his uncle and sister to suffer so badly before.

But his mother has always been very kind to him. In the dead of night, he would secretly take out his mother's photo to look at, and hide his thoughts in his heart, and would not let his uncle and sister know.

"Go, do you know how to take a car?" Ye Qingqing happily waved her hands, she could be regarded as shaking off the burden of Wuchen.

"I know, I've been there several times."

Yu Changbai is also very happy, he will be able to make a lot of money soon!

Ye Qingqing grabbed the change from the bag and stuffed it to Yu Changbai, not worried about any accidents, Yu Changbai was a ghost, and he was not far away, just one bus stop away.

(End of this chapter)

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