Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2250 Your dad has sex with her

Chapter 2250 Your dad has sex with her

Zhang Xiulian's face became even uglier, and she forced a smile, "Isn't that what they called before, and you and your father didn't say anything..."

Tang Yuanyuan interrupted her, and said coldly: "It depends on the person. Some people are self-aware, know their own identities, and won't climb up the pole. It's okay to scream, but some people are different. I'm afraid Call a few more times, and the seven aunts and eight aunts from my hometown can come to my restaurant to act as uncles, my family temple is small, and I can't afford to serve those uncles!"

Ye Qingqing was delighted to hear it, and after three days of farewell, she looked at her with admiration, this girl Tang Yuanyuan is no longer Wuxia Ameng, her words are so beautiful, she has to kill this old Bai Lian!

"Xiulian, what about our dishes, don't you say that your partner cooks it himself? Why haven't you cooked it yet? Your aunt and I cook faster than your partner, and you still say it's a chef, don't lie to us..."

The people at the hungry table started to yell. They only drank a bowl of rice in the morning. Before the grain of rice was near, they were so hungry that their chests stuck to their backs. The guests from other tables who came later than them all started eating. However, the table was not served for a long time, and it suddenly became noisy.

Zhang Xiulian's complexion changed drastically, she didn't care about Tang Yuanyuan, and went back to appease her relatives, fearing that they would cause trouble again, the time is not yet ripe, and these people can't be allowed to do bad things.

It's also because she didn't hold her breath. When she called home a few days ago, she accidentally showed off. The main reason was to make those who taunted her envious. No matter where she went, Zhang Xiulian could live a good life. Men are also more promising than one.

But she forgot about her aunt's family. She received a call from her aunt early in the morning, and she was about to go to the city to visit her partner. , I became more courageous, and wanted to show off again, so there was a matter of letting Papa Tang cook for himself.

Now Zhang Xiulian is naturally remorseful, secretly praying that Tang Yuanyuan and Ye Qingqing can't understand the language of her hometown, and her aunt speaks so fast, she probably didn't catch it.

But she was disappointed, Tang Yuanyuan really didn't hear it, Ye Qingqing's eyes and ears were sensitive, she could hear clearly, her expression changed immediately.

If she understands correctly, Aunt Bai Lian said, "Why is your partner's cooking not ready?" Old Bai Lian just appointed Papa Tang to cook. In this way, isn't Lao Bai Lian's object is Papa Tang? ?

What the hell!

"When did your father start dating this woman?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Tang Yuanyuan was even more dumbfounded, her mind was stunned, and she came back to her senses after a while, shaking her head again and again, "You are talking nonsense, how could my dad have a date with this woman, your grandma introduced so many good-quality partners to my dad, My dad didn't even look at it, how could he see something like this, it's absolutely impossible."

She couldn't believe that her father would fall in love with this old vixen even if she was beaten to death. She doesn't care what she wants, she looks just like that, she's not young anymore, and she doesn't have any education. How can she be worthy of her father?

"Even if my father is blind, he will never fall in love with this woman!"

Tang Yuanyuan added firmly, she still has this confidence.

Ye Qingqing actually thinks it's unlikely, but such a magical creature like a man is really hard to say. Many men don't care about their beautiful wives at home, but they go out to find a mistress, and the mistress they find doesn't matter whether they are talented or beautiful. , can't compare to the original match, I really don't know what the man thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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