Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2259 Information about Huaxiaolou

Chapter 2259 Information about Huaxiaolou

Ye Qingqing gave the 500 yuan to the aunt, and the whole family was full of enthusiasm. The people in the city are really rich, so they paid 500 yuan. No wonder so many people want to go to the city!

Downstairs, Tangyuanyuan has already settled the account. After deducting the food and medical expenses, there is still 340 yuan and [-] cents left. In fact, it is not too small. Many families in the countryside earn only a few hundred yuan after working hard for a year. Woolen cloth!

But Zhang Xiulian was dissatisfied. She had already seen the feasting and feasting in the big cities, and was used to the daily working meals of Baiweiju.

But she couldn't help but think about it, the aunt's family who had received Ye Qingqing's favor fee pulled Zhang Xiulian away by one of her arms.

"Oh mom, it's quiet now." The eldest brother wiped the sweat from his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief.

The other apprentices also nodded, feeling sorry for each other.

"Don't come in and work!" Papa Tang yelled in the kitchen.

"Come on, master, you will have a heart in the future, don't bring cats and dogs home..." The senior brother was babbling, and Father Tang couldn't hold back his old face, so he slapped the big apprentice on the tiger's back, "Just You talk too much, hurry to work!"

"It can be regarded as a stop."

Tang Yuanyuan patted her chest, the boulder fell to the ground, and finally drove the old vixen away.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, "You are also responsible for this matter, you shouldn't have allowed this woman to stay in the first place, but you still let her stay for two months, are you stupid!"

"I didn't know that this woman would be so shameless at the time. I thought it was quite pitiful, so I agreed." Tang Yuanyuan regretted it to death, but Zhang Xiulian at that time was indeed a sinner, with injuries all over her body, and they were new injuries. Zhang Xiulian said that her husband abused her and she had to leave with the child.

"Do you know why her ex-husband beat her?"

Ye Qingqing sneered, "Because this woman messed around outside and put countless cuckolds on her ex-husband, and even made her ex-husband a cheap father for ten years."

Ye Qingqing also found it unbelievable when she heard from her aunt just now that Zhang Xiulian was the most unrestrained stealer she had ever seen, she had no shame at all, she deserved to be beaten by her ex-husband.

Tang Yuanyuan was dumbfounded and was speechless for a while, and she was even more fortunate to have thrown this woman out, otherwise she would definitely have a bad life in the future!

"Be careful in the future. If sympathy overflows, go to the street to feed stray cats and dogs. Animals have more conscience than some people."

Ye Qingqing gave some instructions and was about to leave when Tang Yuanyuan stopped her again, "Do you remember Hua Xiaolou? He sent me a message during Chinese New Year."

"You still have contact with him?"

Ye Qingqing's voice became high-pitched, and her eyes were sharp.

"No, I haven't contacted him since you told me, and he has dropped out of school. I don't even know where he is, so how can I contact him?" Tang Yuanyuan hurriedly explained.

"Then how do you have his cell phone number?"

"The person who sent me the message was an unfamiliar number, just an ordinary greeting, without a signature."

"Then how do you know it's Hua Xiaolou?" Ye Qingqing suspected that Tang Yuanyuan had made a mistake.

"Intuition, I think he is Hua Xiaolou, anyway, I can feel it." Tang Yuanyuan said with certainty.

"You are delusional!"

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, and went straight out the door, Hua Xiaolou hid with Yin Yu, how could she send a message to Tang Yuanyuan, thinking wildly!

However, if the old monster Yin Yu is not eliminated, she can't feel at ease for a day. Lu Mo said that he already has a solution, and he doesn't know what he is going to do. He has been nagging recently.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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