Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2279 Still a baby

Chapter 2279 Still a baby

Ye Qingqing was a little restless at home, always feeling that something big was about to happen, Xiaotong and Wuchen hadn't come back yet, Lu Mo's phone couldn't be reached, and she didn't know where she was going at night, she was so anxious.

Pippi flew in from the window with a whoosh, stopped on the table to comb the feathers, Ye Qingqing was overjoyed, before she could ask, Pippi said: "The old monster is dead."

Ye Qingqing was stunned, Yin Yu died?

When did this happen?

She quickly thought of Lu Mo, no wonder he was so mysterious, he was going to deal with Yin Yu.

"Did you do it tonight? Have Xiaotong and Wuchen nobles gone?"

Pippi nodded, opened the drawer with one paw, took out its favorite snacks and ate it, Ye Qingqing secretly gritted her teeth, such a big thing was hidden from her, damn it!

"Then I don't need to take care of the poison?" Ye Qingqing secretly rejoiced.

In the past, Yin Yu was immortal, she always had thorns in her heart, and she couldn't be completely at ease, but now it's better, she can play with peace of mind.

Pippi shook his head and said in a sharp voice: "No, although the old monster Yin is dead, the poison is still there, you have to take the poison and rule Xu's medicine school."

"That's not what you said before. You said that you only need to carry forward and flourish, but you didn't say that you want to merge poisonous branches." Ye Qingqing questioned.

Pippi rolled her eyes, "Isn't it the best way to unify the medicine school, you are a fool!"

"You are the melon, don't play word games with me, obviously you didn't say that before, you fucking play me!" Ye Qingqing was so angry that he snatched Pippi's snacks, the stinky bird played her, that's not what he said at the beginning Yes, just let her learn medical skills well, and prevent poisonous people from harming her.

Fortunately, it has become a unified medicine school again. This matter sounds like a long way to go. If the poisonous people are not convinced, it will take years and months for her to unify.

"At that time, your strength was low, and it was a waste of saliva to say it. Why are you so anxious, take it slowly!" Pippi rolled her eyes, and snatched back the snacks.

Ye Qingqing sneered, "Why is it so slow, I only live a few years in total, even if I live to be a hundred years old, one-fifth of it is now passed, and the remaining 80 years I will only do this one thing?"

She also wants to travel around the world with Lu Mo!

Pippi rolled her eyes again, and looked at her like a fool, "Didn't I tell you to practice qigong? As long as you practice qigong well, a hundred years old is nothing!"

Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, and she inquired, "Then how long can Lu Mo and I live? Is it immortal?"

"Dream your spring and autumn dream. The longest life of your ancestors was only 500 years. It depends on your good fortune." Pipi flew away with snacks, too lazy to look at Ye Qingqing's foolishness.

Ye Qingqing was stunned with joy, 500 years is not a lot, she is now 20 years old, and she has [-] years left, oh, so she is still a baby!

Lu Mo pushed the door open and came in. Seeing Ye Qingqing laughing foolishly by herself, he couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand in front of her, "Why are you so happy?"

Ye Qingqing hugged Lu Mo suddenly, and said ecstatically, "Brother, we can live to be five hundred years old."

Lu Mo was stunned... What do you mean?

"Pippi said, we have practiced..."

Ye Qingqing blah blah blah blah blah, very excited, Lu Mo was also very happy, he didn't yearn for immortality, but it would be nice to live for hundreds of years, so that he could spend more time with this girl , can also accumulate more energy.

"Brother...he is still young, he is a baby..."

Ye Qingqing hugged his arm and acted like a baby, Lu Mo had a black line on his forehead, and said deliberately: "Then postpone the wedding?"


Ye Qingqing was so angry that she pinched his waist hard, the bad guy who doesn't understand the style, I hate it to death!

There are four more

(End of this chapter)

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