Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2288 full of disgust

Chapter 2288 full of disgust

"I'm already asleep... I didn't rob... I just want to sleep..." Zhang Xiulian argued loudly for herself, she must not admit the crime of robbery.

Although she doesn't know the law, her former concubine was jailed for robbery. At that time, she wanted to buy a beautiful coat, and it cost several hundred dollars. The concubine couldn't get it, so she went to the city to rob it. The first business He lost his hand, didn't get the money, and got into the court. He was sentenced to three years and has not been released yet.

My aunt's husband, son and daughter-in-law have all come over, and they don't have the face to stay any longer, and they are full of opinions on my aunt, how can they live in the community in the future.

"It's all your fault, you refused to listen to persuasion, let's get better now, we're all humiliated!" the cousin's husband complained angrily.

Aunt Biao was already too regretful, and was complained by her family, and her blood pressure went up with anger. She hated Zhang Xiulian to death. Seeing that this shameless woman was still talking nonsense, pouring dirty water on Master Nie, she just kicked her when she went up. He kicked and scolded all the scandalous things Zhang Xiulian did before.

"If I had known that you were such a filth, I would definitely not have taken you in. Get out now. I don't have a shameless relative like you!"

Ye Qingqing reminded coldly, "You can't get out now. This woman is so bold that she almost killed Master Nie. The police must deal with her."

The siren sounded closer and closer, and stopped at the gate of the courtyard. Two police officers squeezed in. One Ye Qingqing knew was Fang Yanming's apprentice, Xiao Zhong, who was now handling the case independently.

Ye Qingqing roughly explained what happened, and insisted that Zhang Xiulian broke into the house and robbed, and also tried to hurt Master Nie.

"Look, the master's waist is twisted. This woman is too hateful. It's too hateful to falsely accuse the master of rape her after the robbery failed!"

The other male police officer was very young and his face was still immature. He looked like a college student who had just graduated. He glanced at Zhang Xiulian and couldn't help laughing. Anyone with a brain would not believe this woman's nonsense. The master's eyes are not blind.

The police took Zhang Xiulian away, Ye Qingqing and Master Nie went to take the record, and my cousin's family. After finishing the record, a few people took a taxi and came back. The cousin didn't talk to the sisters along the way. She still hasn't calmed down yet!

Auntie hated Zhang Xiulian even more in her heart, she had to go back to her hometown in a few days and tell all the scandals Zhang Xiulian had done, so that this stinky cousin would be notorious in the village and could not stand.

After returning home, my cousin saw Master Nie and got angry when she saw Master Nie. While cleaning the house, she scolded: "Tomorrow, I will get up at [-] o'clock in the morning and go for a run. Run for at least half an hour. If you don't get up, I will lift your quilt."

Master Nie shook his head vigorously, telling him to run would be better than to die, since even if killed, he would not know how to run.

"I can't help you, run away for me tomorrow, you can't even handle a woman, what do you say you are good for? It's just a waste snack, don't you run away, okay, start eating bitter melon every day tomorrow, I will let you eat enough !"

The cousin used her trump card and stared at Master Nie with a look of disgust.

The touch of Master Nie before disappeared in a flash. It must have been an illusion just now. The cousin who looks like this is the real one. In the cousin's heart, her status is not as high as the rhubarb raised by her hometown.

Because his cousin often scolded him that he was inferior to rhubarb, at least rhubarb could still look after the nursing home.

Under the coercion of his cousin, Master Nie had no choice but to succumb, but he still won for himself the right to sleep in late. Seven o'clock in the morning was changed to eight o'clock in the morning, and he could rest at home when it was windy and rainy.

Since then, Master Nie's biggest wish every day is to have rain every day, and hail is even better. He doesn't want to leave the warm bed at all, alas!

(End of this chapter)

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