Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2291 Stupid parents

Chapter 2291 Stupid parents

"Where's Teacher Mao? Didn't she make a fuss?" Ye Qingqing asked with concern.

In fact, although Mao Fangfei looks cold on the outside, she is a very easy-going person, as long as she doesn't touch her bottom line, like Mao Fangfei's last marriage, it's not that her unreasonable in-laws are too much, so it's annoying Mao Fangfei, otherwise Mao Fangfei would still be kept in the dark by the scumbag!

Speaking of it this way, Mao Fangfei actually had to thank her ex-husband, otherwise she would still be trapped in the shackles for being so stupid.

It's a pity that in the second marriage, they ran into unreasonable parents-in-law. Fortunately, Fang Yanming is not a Phoenix man, so he should be able to handle these conflicts well.

Lu Mo said helplessly: "Yanming's parents didn't dare to make trouble in front of Mao Fangfei, they just read it in Yanming's ear to let him retire. After seeing Mao Fangfei's inspection report and knowing her occupation, they read it even more fiercely. Moreover, the whole family worked together to make Yanming withdraw the engagement."

"They must be sick. Marriage is the business of Brother Fang and Teacher Mao. As long as they live well, what kind of hell are they doing?" living people.

Lu Mo shook his head, "They said that unfilialism is the biggest cause of having no descendants. It's okay to find a second marriage, and find someone who can't have children. They will never allow it. Moreover, they also despise Mao Fangfei's career as a bad luck, saying that she is with her every day. Dealing with dead people brings bad luck, and the family will not be peaceful."

After hearing what Fang Yanming said last night, both he and He Weishao found it unbelievable. What a strange reason this is. Forensic medicine is such a noble and sacred profession, but it has become a bad luck in their mouths. It's really angry and funny.

Ye Qingqing was also very angry, "It's too ignorant, Brother Fang, won't you explain it to Teacher Mao?"

"Of course I explained, but the old man admitted his death and refused to listen to persuasion. Yan Ming said directly later that he would only marry Mao Fangfei, or else he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life, so that they would stop fighting. After the wedding, let them go back to their hometown."

Lu Mo shook his head with a smile. Fang Yanming really had a big head when he met such ignorant parents. He was caught between his wife and parents. It was a dilemma. It was better to let the parents go back to their hometown.

Ye Qingqing glanced at the stern-faced Fang's parents, and frowned. He really didn't understand etiquette. After all, it was his son's wedding. In front of his in-laws and guests, basic etiquette must be respected. What do guests think.

Fortunately, Fang Yanming is tough, if he is like other foolish and filial men, Mao Fangfei might as well not marry!

The bride and groom came down to toast. Mao Fangfei was wearing a red cheongsam with exquisite and beautiful makeup.

The other tables were all Fang Yanming's colleagues, who were used to joking around, and someone teased loudly, "Old Fang really has you, and you managed to catch up with Forensic Doctor Mao quietly, a flower is like cow dung, what a pity what!"

Fang Yanming laughed and scolded, "Is there such a good-looking cow dung as me, you bachelors are just jealous, I don't have the same knowledge as you."


Everyone was laughing and making noises, and finally the atmosphere was alive. Mao Fangfei's parents also had a smile on their faces. They couldn't laugh when they saw their in-laws' faces were livid.

Finally, a toast was made to the parents of both parties. Although the Fang family's parents were stern, they managed to get the wedding over. At night, everyone just made a symbolic bridal chamber, and then they all broke up.

According to the original plan, Fang Yanming and Mao Fangfei were going to Lijiang for their honeymoon the day after their wedding. The train tickets were all booked, but something happened the next day and they couldn't go anywhere.

There are four more

(End of this chapter)

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