Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2753 Too Expensive

Chapter 2753 Too Expensive

"Do you think you are capable? There are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are people beyond the people. The world is so big, and there are many people who are better than you. Don't think that if you don't meet someone, it means you don't have them. If you meet someone who is more ruthless than you, you will cry." Nowhere to cry!"

Ye Qingqing, who was so angry, grabbed the oranges on the coffee table and threw them towards the dead girl. Wuchen grabbed them casually, and wanted to peel them and eat them, but when she saw the green color, sour water gushed out of her mouth, and she Throw back the fruit plate.

Seeing Ye Qingqing gasping for breath, Wuchen couldn't help but said, "Why are you so angry? Don't blame me if you move your fetus!"

"I don't blame you, who do you blame? It's really tiresome, my husband has skinned you!"

Ye Qingqing stared fiercely, her stomach ached from anger, she took an orange and peeled it to eat. Since she was pregnant, the green oranges at home have never been broken. Lin Shufang has been very popular in the fruit shop recently, because the sour oranges that cannot be sold , Let Lin Shufang wrap it all up, Ye Qingqing can eat more than a dozen a day, and peel oranges when she has nothing to do, two or three catties of oranges are not enough to make a meal.

Seeing Ye Qingqing eating green oranges without blinking, Wuchen's mouth became more acidic, his cheeks were sour, this kind of oranges are too sour to make canned food, how can this stinky woman eat it? So beautiful, pregnancy is such a magical thing!

I don't know if she will be pregnant in the future?

Imagining herself with a big belly, Wuchen shivered tremblingly, she would never let herself become a big belly woman, it would be impossible in the next life.

After killing a few oranges, Ye Qingqing felt much better, and asked Wuchen, "Zhuzi didn't do anything to you, did she?"

Even though it's highly unlikely, I still have to ask.

"No, are you annoying? What dare that dead face do to me? I'll beat him to death with one fist!"

Wu Chen yelled impatiently, his voice was louder than the sky, Ye Qingqing felt that something was wrong, and wanted to torture him for a while, but he fell asleep and yawned non-stop, so he had to let it go temporarily.

"Let's go, show me some restraint in the future, don't always call your male classmates brothers and sisters, you are a mother, you must always remember this, you think they are brothers, but they don't necessarily think so." Ye Qingqing reminded again.

"They also consider me a brother, and they all have girlfriends, so what are you worried about!" Wu Chen muttered.

When she heard that she had a girlfriend, Ye Qingqing felt relieved, it seemed that those male classmates really didn't regard this dead girl as their mother, which was fine, but she felt something was wrong.

Ye Qingqing yawned again, too lazy to go upstairs to sleep, and was about to squat on the sofa for a while, but Wuchen hesitated for a while, put on a flattering smile, and said awkwardly, "Can you give me some money?"

"What do you want the money for?"

As soon as money was mentioned, Ye Qingqing's sleepy man ran away, and became more energetic, staring at her with piercing eyes, this dead girl had never asked her for a penny before, she was very ambitious, and this time she opened her mouth for the first time. Yes, there must be a coincidence.

"I have no money to spend, and my father deducted my pocket money."

"What about your previous pocket money? I gave you 500 yuan a month. You can't spend all of it, right?" Ye Qingqing raised her voice. Ye Mingcheng gave Wuchen 500 yuan a month for pocket money. 800 yuan, this girl can't spend 500 yuan for petty expenses.

Living expenses and pocket money are separated. Ye Mingcheng knows that Wuchen eats a lot, so she recharges her meal card with 1000 yuan every time, and she can only eat for a month at most. I don't like to dress up, and I have nothing to spend except for some snacks. How can I spend 500 yuan so quickly?

(End of this chapter)

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