Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2755 The money is too strange

Chapter 2755 The money is too strange

"Doesn't Wuchen not eat meat? It doesn't cost 1000 yuan to eat only vegetables and tofu. I was chatting with someone just now about this. The old lady of the Xu family often danced disco with me. Her granddaughter also Going to university in Pingjiang, living expenses are 500 yuan a month, including meals, so there is still room to spare!"

Lin Shufang also couldn't figure it out, and felt that the cost of Wuchen was too high.

What a coincidence, she just finished this topic with someone else. The old lady of the Xu family complained that it is too expensive to go to school now, and the living expenses of her granddaughter cost 500 yuan a month. For ordinary workers, it is a bit stressful to provide for a college student.

Fortunately, Mrs. Xu can deduct some from the vegetable money every month, and subsidize her daughter secretly, but she can't deduct much every month. Mrs. Xu's daughter-in-law is very shrewd. It is also necessary to ensure that the meals at home are meat and vegetables, otherwise the daughter-in-law will turn her face on the spot and make Mrs. Xu unable to step down.

And the son of the Xu family doesn't care about things, he listens to his wife, and every time he helps his wife talk about his old mother, Mrs. Xu always complains about her son and daughter-in-law in private, and her daughter is not doing well, so she looks sad every day, always thinking It would be great if the son could reach out to help the daughter, but unfortunately the son listens to his wife, and the daughter-in-law is cold-hearted. It is estimated that the old lady's good wishes will be difficult to realize in her life.

Ye Qingqing was stunned, three to one, the difference is too big, isn't it?

"Can 500 yuan be managed for a month and still have enough money?"

"That's right, Grandma Xu said that she thought her granddaughter spent too much, so she asked her to spend less. I persuaded Grandma Xu. If the eldest girl spends money too frugally, she will be too petty, and her daughter and son-in-law The wages add up to about 500 yuan, and [-] yuan is still affordable."

Ye Qingqing lost all drowsiness, and began to suspect the whereabouts of Wuchen's 500 yuan. Money is a trivial matter, but she was worried that Wuchen had made bad friends.

"Is it dating? I heard that many college students are dating now." Lin Shufang guessed.

"Impossible, whatever she's foolishly messing with, the male has been developed into a brother by her." Ye Qingqing categorically denied it.

Lin Shufang also thinks it's impossible, that girl hasn't even opened her eyes yet, but how can she spend so much money if she doesn't have a date, and she doesn't buy clothes and cosmetics, Wuchen will always be sportswear and sneakers, and the colors are also black, white and grey. She didn't even wear them, and the clothes were bought by Ye Qingqing, she only cared about eating.

"No, I have to go to her school to see if she has made friends." Ye Qingqing decided to go to the Normal University. Wuchen has been in university for a year, and she has never been to school, so she really shouldn't.

"Then I'll go with you." Lin Shufang was worried.

Ye Qingqing smiled, "No need, I'm not made of tofu, I'm only four months old, I'm fine with my daily activities, Mom, prepare some snacks for me, I'll take them to school in a few days."

Drowsiness came up again, Ye Qingqing couldn't help but slumped down, Lin Shufang covered her with a blanket, and was busy making dumplings, leeks, eggs and shrimp skin stuffing, Ye Qingqing likes to eat now, she should wrap some more and put them in the refrigerator to freeze.

A few days later, Ye Qingqing took Lin Shufang to prepare snacks such as dried tofu, spicy bamboo shoots and potato chips, and drove to the Normal University. Seeing the solemn plaque, Ye Qingqing suddenly thought of Li Shanxing, a man of ability and ambition. The opposite girl, unfortunately, was ruined by her own ****.

(End of this chapter)

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