Chapter 2779 What a two hundred and five

"No money, the boss sent it."

Ye Mingcheng rolled out the bicycle and threw the bamboo tube in the basket, his attitude was very different from the previous baby.

"A boss with this bamboo tube?" Ye Qingqing became more interested. Her father has grown up, and she can get a clay pot for nothing. Although it is broken, it is worth more than the bamboo tube. At least the craftsmanship is more complicated.

"Just that old liar, I bought a bamboo tube and a painting for two hundred and five, and then gave this pot..." Ye Mingcheng said angrily, but suddenly got stuck, he couldn't continue.

The air was quiet again, and everyone's eyes became more sympathetic.

Ye Qingqing tried her best not to laugh, and teased her father mercilessly, "Dad, the boss didn't lie to you, he told you the truth, you are stupid, you have to jump into the kang, you And blame the boss for not dragging you."

The boss had clearly stated that her father was two hundred and five, but her father was so stupid that he didn't understand, and the boss was too wronged.

Ye Mingcheng's face became even darker. No wonder the boss had weird eyes when he paid the money that day. He must be laughing at him for two hundred and five. He is really two hundred and five!

In a fit of anger, he really wanted to smash that big liar's business, Ye Mingcheng went back to the house and poured three glasses of water, but he still couldn't extinguish the fire in his heart.

"Doctor Ye, didn't you buy a painting, take it out and let this uncle appreciate it for you." Dr. Hu reminded.

"Yes, Dad, go and take it out."

Ye Qingqing also booed, she smiled at the old man, "Master, please help me to take a look, your medical expenses are waived, and you won't be charged."

The old man smiled and shook his head, "There is no need to waive the medical expenses, and I am not an expert. I just do a little research on this and I like it myself, but I may not be right."

"That's better than my dad, he's just a fool."

Ye Mingcheng paused when he went upstairs, turned his head and looked at Ye Qingqing sadly, he was rejected by his daughter, and he blamed himself for being stupid, alas!

Several other people also hung up the water, and they didn't go home. They waited for Ye Mingcheng to draw the treasure, and wanted to see what kind of treasure it was. It was probably a fake.

Ye Mingcheng went downstairs with a few paintings in his arms. They were his favorite collections. He thought they should be genuine. He simply asked the old man to take a look. He would only charge the old man's cost price. The old man was not in good health. I often come to his clinic to see a doctor, but the old man doesn't like to talk, and it's the first time he took the initiative to speak up today.

The old man picked up one of the scrolls without opening them, just looked at the scroll, frowned, shook his head and said, "Fake, have you seen this scroll, it's obviously produced on the assembly line, and it smells like potion, it's a fake." The worst imitation potion, you can tell it's fake when you smell it."

"Isn't this a musty smell? The boss said that the calligraphy and paintings will have this smell after a long time." Ye Mingcheng gritted his teeth, and he has the heart to kill the boss, a wicked ghost who has a son who has no pity.

"I'm lying to you. Anything that smells like this is a fake. This is the lowest level of method, and only novices will be fooled."

The old gentleman didn't have much hope for the remaining few paintings, but he still finished reading them all. As everyone expected, those few paintings were all the same. The low imitations mass-produced by modern assembly lines cost at most dozens of dollars. Ye Mingcheng But spent hundreds of dollars to buy it back as a baby.

"I... I'll find him!"

Ye Mingcheng hugged the calligraphy, painting and bamboo tube tightly, and went out in a huff. He cheated him of so much money, and only gave him a broken pot, which he had to go to get some back.

and oh

(End of this chapter)

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