Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2782 I have been worrying since I was young

Chapter 2782 I have been worrying since I was young

"My dad just spends money to buy a happy one. If he is happy, he can buy a real broken one and go home. This is called being rich and self-willed. He can't say anything. It's okay, let's see what you say. No, I'll find someone else!"

Ye Qingqing is not happy anymore, she can talk about her father, but others can't, even Ye Xunmei, who is an old man.

"You asked me to do things in such an aggressive tone. I said that your father was right. You bought such a pile of junk for tens of thousands of dollars. You usually talk about him. You don't want to listen to me. The state officials set the fire on fire, and the people were not allowed to light the lamps." Ye Xunmei was not angry, she chatted with Ye Qingqing with a smile, chattered and fooled around.

"Can't you read it? If you don't, I'll hang up."

"Don't hang up, I'll go and see if I mess around again. I'll mess around with your phone call twice. I'll watch if you win three consecutive victories." Ye Xunmei chatted without saying a word. Ye Qingqing originally wanted to Hang up, after hearing what he said, I had to wait patiently.

After ten minutes or so, Ye Xunmei was in a hurry, "Haha... I have earned money for tomorrow's morning tea, so I won't come. I have to work for my granddaughter."

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and she asked, "How old are you playing?"

Three consecutive victories only earned one morning tea. No matter how high the HK consumption is, a morning tea can only cost 30 yuan at most.

"A dime." Ye Xunmei said with a smile.

Ye Qingqing's heart was blocked. She had waited for more than one morning tea just now. She finally understood that no one in her family had a sense of financial management from old to young. Seeing money as floating clouds, Ye Xunmei is a little better, but not much better, that is to say, he looks attractive, and every now and then a woman will take the initiative to send him money, otherwise his life would not be so chic.

Ye Xunmei turned on the computer and opened the picture at random. If Ye Qingqing hadn't called, he would never have taken the trouble. It is 100% fake, maybe not even a fake, just a defective product.

"Is this your dad's new one?"

The picture is still being downloaded, it will take some time, Ye Xunmei chatted casually.

Ye Qingqing told about what happened yesterday, "Uncle Yu said that it is very likely to be an ancient relic, but he is not sure, so he said to introduce an expert to look at it for me."

"Your grandpa and I are the biggest experts. What are you looking for other people for? Now many experts are just pretending to be sheep. They don't have any real talents in their stomachs. They fool people all day long."

"Then you still cocked your tail just now?" Ye Qingqing retorted.

Ye Xunmei fell silent, and said after a while: "Didn't you play mahjong just now, you didn't shoot well, I will teach you how to shoot."

Under Ye Xunmei's guidance, Ye Qingqing took a few more photos and passed them on. There was no movement from Ye Xunmei's side for a long time, and she couldn't help asking, "How is it? Is it old?"

"Shut up, I'll take another look." Ye Xunmei's voice sounded a little excited.

At this time, his face was almost on the computer screen, his eyes were wide open, his breath was short of breath, and he adjusted the direction of the picture from time to time so that he could see it more clearly.

Ye Qingqing's heart also jumped up, it sounds like there is a door, it can't really be an antique, right?

"My dad might have missed it this time." Ye Qingqing joked with Lu Mo.

Lu Mo became interested, picked up the clay pot and looked at it, but no matter how hard he looked, he didn't realize that the pot was a high-end antique. It felt mysterious, but he still cooperated with his wife, "Maybe it's worth a lot of money."

Ye Qingqing scoffed, "How is it possible, there are valuable and cheap antiques, and it's not bad if they can be worth thousands of dollars."

and also

(End of this chapter)

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