Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 2808 Really a master

Chapter 2808 Really a master

Wu Chen's speed was much faster than the dean's reaction. When he got to the balcony, Wu Chen had already jumped out of the railing, as nimble as a monkey. The other teachers also rushed out in fright, trying to drag Wu Chen back.

"Don't be afraid, this height is fine." Ye Qingqing was very calm, she just wanted to let Wu Chen show her skills and let the director see her true strength.

"Nonsense, this is a five-story building, not a one-story building, Ye Wuchen, you order you to come back!" The dean roared, holding on to the railing tightly with one hand, his legs were limp.

"I just jumped on the first floor, director, you go back to the room, my ear hurts from yelling."

Wuchen tested the strength of the rope, and there was no problem, so he swished down, and he slid down several meters in a short while. The eyes of the teaching director were darkened, his eyes were desperate, a life, just like this, just watched helplessly. .

"Director, it's all right, this Ye Wuchen is more sensitive than a monkey." A teacher shouted in surprise.

Everyone looked down, Wuchen had already reached the first floor, his hands slid down, his feet were against the wall, it was so easy as if he was taking a walk, only for a moment, Wuchen landed on the ground.

The dean breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, and shouted down: "Ye Wuchen, take the stairs for me!"

His old heart couldn't stand the stimulation anymore, and he had to walk up the stairs.

"Director, taking the stairs is a waste of time, the straight line is the shortest distance between two points." Ye Qingqing interjected.

The dean was so angry that he forgot that he was afraid of heights, let go of his hand from the railing, pointed at Ye Qingqing and cursed: "I have never seen you as a sister like this, is time or life important? She is your sister, even if it is not Darling, you have to respect her life too!"

Ye Qingqing rubbed her ears, and there was a buzzing sound. The director's voice is really loud, but he is indeed a conscientious and responsible teacher. She likes such a teacher.

"Director, Wu Chen has come up!"

Ye Qingqing pointed down, the teaching director glanced down, Wuchen had already climbed to the fourth floor with the dummy on his back, his eyes were dark again, his body was shaking, the teacher hurriedly supported him , but felt funny in my heart.

It was originally a tragic and vicious crime, but now it has turned into a farce. Ye Wuchen's sister is really good at messing around, and it made the director lose his temper.

Wu Chen tossed the dummy, threw it on the balcony, and jumped up nimbly by himself, without changing his face, panting, and without messing up his hair. Now everyone finally believes that Ye Qingqing is not bragging, this Ye Wuchen is indeed Kung fu master.

"Throw it away!" Ye Qingqing winked at Wuchen.

Wu Chen picked up the dummy and tossed it casually. It was almost exactly the same as before and landed perfectly on the ground.

"Eight more."

As soon as Ye Qingqing finished speaking, Wu Chen was about to go down. The dean covered his heart and yelled at the two teachers: "Go down and watch, and tie the dummy to the rope and bring it up."

If Ye Wuchen is allowed to climb up and down again, he will definitely die young.

Wu Chen pursed her lips, she might as well go down and get it by herself, the two teachers are too slow.

The two teachers ran downstairs, tied the dummy to the rope, and Wuchen pulled it up easily. After that, they threw it eight times in a row. The trajectory was the same every time, without any deviation. Throwing someone is wrong, but at least it shows that she is not a cruel person.

"Director, now you believe that I'm not lying, my sister is just angry and can't help punishing classmate Du, she has no other evil intentions." Ye Qingqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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