Chapter 2813

There are four teachers in total, three men and one woman, all of whom are teachers from the teaching office. Two men are in their early thirties, the female teacher is in her forties, and one male teacher looks to be in his 50s or [-]s.

Ye Qingqing took their pulse one by one, and there were no major problems. The more serious problem was the female teacher.

"The three male teachers are all fine, and they are in good health, but you have a little problem, that is, confinement disease. Your confinement is not doing well, right?" Ye Qingqing asked.

The female teacher nodded vigorously, "Yes, I blame myself. It was June day when I gave birth, and it was too hot. I couldn't hold back so I washed my hair and took a bath. I washed my hair many times. I didn't feel it at the time, but now I always have a headache for no reason. I’m not very strong, several Chinese medicine doctors said that I was confinement disease, and suggested that I have another one, but this method is unrealistic!”

If she had known earlier that she would have confinement disease, she would have endured it no matter how bad it was, but there is no medicine for regret in the world.

It is absolutely impossible to have another one. She and her husband are both teachers, so they can only have one, unless they don't want to work anymore.

"When giving birth to a woman, it is like walking through the gate of hell, and the vitality of the body is seriously injured. The purpose of confinement is to restore the vitality of the woman as soon as possible. The reason why you don't let you take a bath is because you are afraid that dampness will enter your body. Now you are still young, and the feeling is not obvious, etc. The older you are, the more uncomfortable you will be, this disease should be cured early." Ye Qingqing said.

"I'm feeling very uncomfortable now. Can my disease be cured? It's definitely not possible to have another child. My family has no fertility target." The female teacher asked expectantly.

"Having another baby is indeed the best way. If you can't give birth, you can only recuperate slowly. It's a bit difficult to completely cure, but it will make you feel better than now." Ye Qingqing said honestly.

The best solution for confinement disease is to have another one. Do confinement well. A woman giving birth to a child is equal to a second rebirth.

If the confinement is not done well the first time, it will be made up for the second time. In the past, women used to treat confinement disease like this, but now the national conditions are different. You can't have children as you like, you can only adjust slowly.

"As long as it can be better than it is now, Doctor Ye, thank you very much." The female teacher was very grateful, and she was a little thankful that Wuchen caused trouble, otherwise she would never have the chance to meet the genius doctor.

"You're welcome, you are also Wuchen teacher, you should."

Ye Qingqing took out a post-it note from her bag, wrote down her home address and phone number, and handed it to the female teacher, "Your disease is a bit troublesome to treat, and you need acupuncture. You can go to my house when you have time, and just call me before you go."

The female teacher glanced at the address, secretly alarmed, this is a wealthy community in this city, but Ye Qingqing can easily sell [-] million yuan, it is normal to live in such a community.

Several teachers, including the dean, had a huge change in their attitude towards Ye Qingqing. They were very polite, and they even delivered it to the door in person, full of courtesy.

Ye Qingqing led Wuchen away, she was so tired that her back hurt, it was all the fault of this damn girl.

After walking a few steps, Ye Qingqing, who was full of anger, patted Wu Chen's head a few times, "You're so stupid, don't you know how to find a place where there is no one? When so many people throw it in front of you, you deserve to be punished." , next time you give me some insight, do this kind of thing in the dead of night, when the moon is dark and the wind is high, don't be like the second fool, go wherever there are many people, the little pig is smarter than you!"

"I'm aboveboard, unlike you who only play tricks and tricks." Wu Chen gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, and if he slapped her again, he would fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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