Chapter 299

Yue Hongxia was so angry that her face turned blue and her body kept shaking. ,

The dead old woman bullies people too much!

"Since you don't like it, and my family just doesn't want it, let's let this marriage go!" Yue Hongxia answered the old lady's words.

"That's impossible. Ye Lan's reputation has ruined your son. If you don't marry your son, who will you marry? Anyway, I don't dislike your son's dirty eyes, and I don't think your family is shabby. It's settled like this."

The old lady looked into the back room from time to time, guessing that the bastard should be lying in the room, hmph, it's okay if you don't come out, there is no way you can escape this marriage!

She must marry off that half of her life!

You can earn another 1 yuan!

"Don't pour dirty water on my son's head, my son is innocent!" Yue Hongxia was furious, with one pi eye on the left and one pi eye on the right, every word stabbed her in the heart, reminding her of the past few days The scandal that happened to Lu Qingquan.

"Does your son still need someone else to splash him? It's not clean for a long time. Is it my mother's nonsense about whoring? Is it my mother's nonsense to let a man stab his ass?" The old lady asked a series of questions, her voice getting louder.

The sound insulation effect of the house in the 90s is not very good, especially the red brick tube building. Even the noise of the couple doing errands at night can be heard clearly by the neighbors next door.

The old lady's voice was heard by several neighbors, but the old lady spoke in a local accent, and she spoke in a hurry, the first two sentences were not heard clearly, but the latter sentence was clearly heard.

Let the man poke the eyes!

Everyone was taken aback and couldn't sit still at home. A few idle and boring women opened the door one after another, gathered together to listen to the corner, and wanted to listen more.

Yue Hongxia in the room was in a hurry, and if the dead old woman kept calling, the whole family would hear her son's good deeds.

"It's fine, fine, it's okay to get married, I agree, but I have to change people." Yue Hongxia had to compromise, but she had a new idea.

She absolutely despises Ye Lan.

Ye Qingqing had a bad feeling, maybe this old woman won't fart well in a while!

The old lady didn't understand for a while, "What do you mean? Who should I replace?"

Yue Hongxia pointed to Ye Qingqing and said, "If it were her, I would agree to get married, but Ye Lan would definitely not!"

This dead girl has so much property, even if she gave 1 yuan as a bride price, it would not be a loss, but the bungalow is worth more than a hundred thousand, and her son said that this dead girl's property is more than that one house.

Ye Qingqing sneered, it really is not a family, if you don't enter a family, your skin is thicker than the city wall, shameless!

It's this time, don't forget to hit her up!

The old lady also came back to her senses, stood up and yelled, "You bastard, how dare you think that you still want my granddaughter to marry your piss-eyed son who makes people poke and bloom, and be your elder brother!" Dream, don't pee and look in the mirror, whether your son is worthy or not!"

The few people who were listening in the corner outside could hear clearly now, and their faces changed involuntarily.

It's no wonder that after Lu Qingquan came back, he didn't leave the front door. It turned out that someone had blown the back door!

Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't see that Director Lu's son actually has this hobby?

"No, I have to tell my son, don't play with Lu Qingquan in the future, stay away!"

"I have to speak to my daughter too."

"Girl, don't be afraid, Lu Qingquan likes men."

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that this kind of person has psychological problems. He kills both men and women, regardless of age. We all have to be careful!"


A few bored middle-aged women suddenly felt as if they were facing an enemy, their faces were heavy, and they all made up their minds that when they saw Lu Qingquan in the future, they would definitely back away and turn around and leave.

I have to tell my man, and I have to warn the sisters on other floors, be careful!

(End of this chapter)

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