Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3037 Fight for what you want

Chapter 3037 Fight for what you want

Sun Yurong is grateful to Ye Qingqing. In HK Disneyland, when she was playing with a patron's father, the patron's father had a heart attack and almost died. If he really died, she would definitely not be able to eat and walk around. Fortunately, Ye Qingqing made a move. After saving the benefactor's father, the benefactor learned that the genius doctor was her classmate, and he had always been kind to her and generous in his actions. If it wasn't for the man's refusal to divorce, she wouldn't have left that man.

Second, Sun Yurong heard that Ye Qingqing's husband is a big boss and richer than the coal boss. Of course, she didn't want to hook up with Lu Mo. She has self-knowledge. Ye Qingqing is a hundred times more beautiful than her. If Lu Mo is not blind, he must I despise her.

Sun Yurong just wants to have a good relationship with rich people. She thinks very clearly that her circle is the most important thing. If she interacts with rich people more, she will gradually become rich. This is why she tries to hook up with those rich people Dad's reason.

Facts have proved that she is right, now she is a rich person herself, no longer the poor girl who can't even pay the tuition fee, she can buy whatever she wants, and play wherever she wants, and she also You're only in your early thirties, and many women of the same age have already become yellow-faced women. You get paid for commuting to get off work every day, and you have to take care of your in-laws, husband, and children. Life is worse than plain water, and Sun Yurong doesn't look down on it at all.

"It's the Chujiang Hotel, at six o'clock in the evening on the sixth day, do you want to go too?"

Ye Qingqing glanced at the gentle Yu Shaoning, feeling contemptuous in her heart, a gentle scum.

"Go, I attend class reunions every year."

Sun Yurong is very active in attending class reunions, not only college reunions, but also high school classmates and even junior high school reunions, because she wants her former classmates to see how good she is now.

After getting off the plane, Xiaozhu and Yu Shaoning went to get their luggage, while Sun Yurong and Ye Qingqing were waiting, chatting without a word.

"You can see it too, right? Do you look down on me?" Sun Yurong suddenly said, laughing at herself.

"I don't care much about other people's private affairs." Ye Qingqing didn't want to be a relationship consultant, she didn't know Sun Yurong that well.

But Sun Yurong really wanted to chat with her, "I'll go back to get a divorce tomorrow, but unfortunately he won't leave, I'm willing to wait, this time I'm sincere, I'm tired of it, I want to live a down-to-earth life, I'm telling the truth. "

Ye Qingqing believed that she was telling the truth. Yu Shaoning was talented and good-looking, and he was an associate professor. He exuded the charm of a mature man all over his body, and Sun Yurong had a good eye.

"You know his wife?" Ye Qingqing pretended to test.

Sun Yurong smiled, "I don't know, she must be a yellow-faced woman. He told me that he couldn't have sex with his wife once a month, and he didn't have any feelings for him. He got married at the order of his parents. I only care about when they divorce. "

"Are you sure he will get a divorce?"

Sun Yurong smiled exaggeratedly, shook her head and said: "I'm not sure, but I will try my best to get him a divorce. I still have some means. You must look down on me, but I am this kind of person. I was born with nothing. , You have to fight for what you want, and what you fight for is mine.”

"As long as you feel happy, I hope you are really happy."

Ye Qingqing didn't say anything, everyone has their own ambitions, she couldn't understand Sun Yurong's thoughts, and couldn't control her life, as long as Sun Yurong didn't come to provoke her.

(End of this chapter)

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