Chapter 3041

If Sun Yurong and Yu Shaoning stopped seeing each other after that, she and Dong Siyue would rot in their stomachs and not tell Lu Ziqun about it, but even if Lu Ziqun knew about it, they probably wouldn't really divorce.

Lu Ziqun paid more attention to the benefits brought by the Yu family, so she knew that Yu Shaoning and his ex-wife were ambiguous, but she still endured it, and Sun Yurong would naturally endure it.

"Okay, I'll talk to Ziqun."

Dong Siyue understood what Ye Qingqing meant, and thought it was feasible, but if Sun Yurong still had a little limit, he should stop and cut off contact with Yu Shaoning, there are so many men in the world, why do you have to find a classmate husband?

The class group became active all of a sudden, Sun Yurong sent a big red envelope, saying that she celebrated her return to being a single nobleman, the red envelope was quite big, [-] yuan, Ye Qingqing snatched a big one, [-].

She snatched one sixth of the red envelopes, Ye Qingqing felt embarrassed.

"Haha, no wonder Ye Qingqing is the richest in our class, she is lucky!" Sun Yurong said jokingly.

The others followed suit, and everyone knew that Ye Qingqing's husband was the big boss, so they were naturally willing to flatter her.

Lu Ziqun sent a weeping emoji, "No wonder I'm the poorest. I only got three yuan, not even a fraction."

Sun Yurong said to her, "Your husband is an associate professor, don't cry poor."

"Those who study missiles are not as rich as those who sell tea eggs. What is an associate professor? They are not as rich as your husband is a coal boss. One day's salary is enough for us to work for a year." Lu Ziqun humbled himself.

"Ex-husband, I have completed the divorce procedures today, and I am single again, brothers and sisters, I will move to Pingjiang in the future, so keep in touch!" Sun Yurong was very happy.

Everyone showed up to receive red envelopes and congratulated Sun Yurong. Some people also asked about Sun Yurong's address in Pingjiang, which was exactly what she wanted.

"I'm going to live in Yunhai Community. The environment there is better, so I don't have to worry about neighbors with poor quality upstairs."

"Wow, Yunhai Community is a villa area. Sun Yurong, your ex-husband is quite generous. The villas there are at least tens of millions."

"Basically, this house belongs to me. The house given by my ex-husband is in Yunjing Villa. Besides, I'm not a person who values ​​money, otherwise I won't divorce." Sun Yurong was even more proud, except for the villas in Yunhai Community and Yunjing Villa , She also has real estate in other places, one in HK, one in Kyoto, and another in Pingjiang, all of which were gifts from her father, the previous funder, as well as the money she saved during filming.

She also doesn't know how to invest. A senior in the industry taught her to buy a house, and told her to buy a house when she had money. Stocks and bonds are not as good as buying a house. Sun Yurong kept it in mind and used all her money to invest in real estate. And they all chose bustling cities.

Because the senior said that investing in real estate should not be cheap, you must choose the place, and the more prosperous the city, the greater the appreciation space, the senior only buys houses in HK, Kyoto and Pingjiang, and does not buy in other places.

Sun Yurong learned a lot from this senior, and all the money was used to buy a house. In recent years, housing prices have skyrocketed. Sun Yurong is very grateful to that senior. Now she can live well by only collecting rent every month. She plans to Taking the 3000 million from her ex-husband to buy a house, saving it in a bank is not as good as buying a house, and collecting rent is enough for her to enjoy.

Ye Qingqing looked funny, this Sun Yurong really dared to say that she was not greedy for money, everyone in the class didn't know that she loved money, and also knew how she got the money, but since ancient times, Sun Yurong laughed at the poor but not at the prostitutes, now Sun Yurong is There are rich people, and naturally there are people who fawn on her.

(End of this chapter)

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