Chapter 3045 Egoist

"I've already found it. When the time comes to get married, let's all have a wedding banquet!"

Sun Yurong's brows and eyes became more flirtatious, and the divorce procedure with the coal boss was done very quickly. She returned to Pingjiang in the third year of junior high school, and met Yu Shaoning in her boudoir every day. his parents.

In fact, Sun Yurong also knows that Yu Shaoning must have felt relieved after seeing her luxurious boudoir. Although the villa she lives in now is not big, it is worth more than tens of millions. It was given by her former benefactor father .

Although Yu Shaoning's family background is superior, at most it is only at the level of the middle class, or even below the level. There are only three properties in the family. He and Lu Ziqun live in one, his parents live in one, and the one rented out is an old house. Compared with many local people who still live in pigeon cages, Yu Shaoning is definitely a master, and he used to think so.

But after getting acquainted with Sun Yurong and seeing Sun Yurong's luxurious life, Yu Shaoning's mentality changed, and he felt a little inferior.

Sun Yurong spent a lot of money, and gave him tens of thousands of Rolex watches, and thousands of clothes and shoes. He used to buy hundreds of dollars, which felt quite good. After all, there are many teachers in the school who wear cheap ones that cost tens of dollars. What about clothes?

But after wearing a branded shirt worth several thousand yuan and wearing a watch worth tens of thousands of yuan, Yu Shaoning no longer looks down on things worth a few hundred yuan, but his salary level is far from being able to afford clothes and shoes worth tens of thousands of yuan , unless he is dying.

So Yu Shaoning's indecision was shaken. He is an exquisite self-interested enjoymentist, while Lu Ziqun is a pragmatist who seeks profit. It was unbearable, he had had enough.

And Lu Ziqun always thinks that he spends money lavishly, even reluctant to buy him a shirt worth a few hundred yuan. Of course, she herself is also reluctant. She wears cheap clothes and underwear, which are so cheap that his already lacking interest is further diminished. , even looking at it feels superfluous.

Unlike Sun Yurong's clothes, which are all exquisite, and the visual effects of 50 yuan underwear and 5000 yuan underwear are really different. The former makes him lack of interest, while the latter makes him excited.

Of course, Sun Yurong's good looks and good figure are also bonus points, which fully meet Yu Shaoning's aesthetic standards, and he can let go, which really makes Yu Shaoning want to stop. In the first few days of the first month, he took the opportunity to hang out with Sun Yurong, and told Lu Ziqun that he was just friends Party, anyway, he rarely stays at home.

Everyone looked surprised, and there was more contempt in their hearts. No wonder they were in a hurry to get a divorce. It turned out that they had a concubine, and they must have been divorced when their husband found out.

"Congratulations, your boyfriend must be a big boss too?" Someone asked.

Other students gathered around curiously, wanting to know what kind of mine Sun Yurong's boyfriend lived in.

Sun Yurong's brows and eyes were even more tender, and she said with a charming smile: "It's not the boss, he is a university professor, but a cultural person."

Everyone was even more surprised, it was actually a university professor, Sun Yurong was tired of eating big fish and meat, and wanted to change porridge and side dishes to clean up his stomach?

But they quickly figured it out, Sun Yurong was no longer short of money, there was no need to find a fat coal boss, and naturally he had to find a cultural person who knew the cold and the hot.

The women are jealous again, it's Sun Yurong who can think about it, go all out to earn a lot of money for ten years, go ashore when you have enough, and be a professor's wife, gain both fame and fortune, who will remember those things when she was young in a few years, only know She is Mrs. Professor.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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