Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3050 Saving money to buy a house is a pit

Chapter 3050 Saving money to buy a house is a pit

"What Mashi? What brand is this? A bag is so expensive, I think it's similar to the bags sold in department stores."

Lu Ziqun is not familiar with these brands, and has never heard of brands such as Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. She buys things as cheap and cheap as possible. If the price exceeds 100 yuan, she has to think twice. If it is not very useful for life, she is Definitely not going to buy it.

Even if she has 70 yuan, it is impossible for her to buy a bag and carry it on her back. Isn't it good to buy a house with this money?

This is also the biggest difference between her and Yu Shaoning. Of course, her ordinary appearance and not good at dressing up also made Yu Shaoning despise her.

"Hermes, a foreign brand, sells more expensive items, but mine are relatively cheap, some cost several million." Dong Siyue said with a smile.

In fact, she has a lot of Hermes, all of which were given by Li Hongming. As soon as Hermes comes out in a new style, Li Hongming will send someone to buy them for her. Hongming's hand.

She went out today and picked a random bag, but she still stood out among the crowd, and she couldn't understand Sun Yurong, so she sang with Ye Qingqing and helped cash in the money.

"You are really rich, hundreds of thousands of bags, tsk tsk, I wouldn't be willing to buy them even if I was killed. If I have money, I will buy a house, buy a few more apartments for rent, and I will not worry about it when I get old." Lu Ziqun said longingly.

Her greatest wish is to have a house of her own in Pingjiang. After all, the Yu family's house belongs to the Yu family, and she later found out that it sounds like Yu Shaoning has three houses, but in fact only the one they live in belongs to Yu Shaoning. name, and the other two sets belong to the in-laws.

So the common property between her and Yu Shaoning is only one house and a small deposit, because Yu Shaoning's salary is spent by himself and has never been handed over to her, but he will pay 500 yuan a month for the family.

Although it's a little less, basically Yu Shaoning doesn't eat at home, and she does the same. She always eats in the school cafeteria, while Yu Shaoning goes to eat at her in-laws' place. The 500 yuan is rarely spent, and Lu Ziqun's house doesn't buy anything. She Most of my salary can be saved, except for sending some to my parents.

But Pingjiang's housing prices are rising too fast, always higher than the speed at which she can save money, and she doesn't know when she will be able to save enough for the down payment, alas.

"I like bags more, so I collected some, and Hermès bags, like houses, can appreciate in value and can be regarded as an investment." Dong Siyue said with a smile.

"The world of the rich is too far away from me. I'd better save the down payment to buy a house. The house is my biggest goal. I don't know when the price will drop." Lu Ziqun has a good attitude and doesn't envy Dong Siyue who can spend dozens of Wan's bag, she just wants a house.

Without a house, she can't feel at ease. She feels that she is still a passer-by in Pingjiang, and she may be abandoned by the city at any time.

"If you sincerely want to buy it as soon as possible, the house price will rise even higher in a few years, and it will only become more and more expensive. It can't be cheap." Ye Qingqing reminded.

The housing prices in Pingjiang have already risen exaggeratedly, but it will be even more exaggerated in a few years, so the sooner you buy, the more profitable, and in a few years there will be restrictions on purchases, and no one with money can buy them.

Lu Ziqun made a bitter face, "I haven't saved enough money yet."

"Borrow money, ask your relatives and friends to borrow some, and you will earn money when the housing price rises, and it will be easier to repay the debt." Ye Qingqing said to her again, that she will never save enough to buy a house.

(End of this chapter)

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